chapter 10

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The one that is able to love and care is the one whose victory is certain~elvishen

Song: rewrite our stars by Anne Marie and James Arthur.


"It's already 8:30 I'm guessing you're hungry I know of a place that is perfectly fit for satisfying ones craving,"Shawn says breaking the everlasting embrace we had kept.
I moved out awkwardly from his lap but stopped when his hands reached out to me and we immediately intertwined our hands as he lead me out.

As we walked out we were greeted with eerie silence. To be honest this kind of creeped me out firstly I was scared of the darkness and secondly this office looked like a horror scene at night. I gripped harder on shawns arm,he immediately responded by leaning more closer to me and securing his other arm around my waist. I think he figured out my insecurities.

After a few minutes of driving in silence we reached at his favourite restaurant or atleast that's what I presumed.

Shawn ordered mild steak and chips while I took advantage of my rumbling stomach which demanded real food so I ordered Chinese. I felt sorry for the people who took diet seriously because one eating greens sometimes makes you feel like a rabbit,two junk food is life and three chocolates are one's bestfriend.

I was quickly pulled out of my many trains of thoughts as Shawn spoke.

"I was expecting you to order some sort of greeny healthy stuffs",he says after our order was placed.

I smiled at him, "why is a girl always suppose to eat healthy?".

"Nope it's just that all the girls that had came out with me always ordered healthy meals just to impress me you know meanwhile at home they're probably stuffing tubs of ice-creams and gallons of chocolates.

I laughed at his last statement but his first sentence got me envious. Why was I feeling jealous about the girls.

Maybe I liked him abit wait what shit I do like him. I had feeling for none other then the Mr Shawn lott my boss .....well currently.

I couldn't help but wonder how many girls he had been with. Obviously Mr perfect face had a lot of them I answered for myself.

"Here one steak with chips and Chinese coming up your way pretty young lady", the waiter with sandy hair and gray eyes said while flashing me his sparkling white teeth smile and quickly threw a wink at me. I couldn't miss the stern eyes Shawn gave after the waiter stripped his eyes from me. On the left side of his shirt there was a name tag and it read jack . Poor jack briskly walked away from our table and looking at me over his shoulder one last time.

We ate in silence the food was tasty I mean I could not suppress a very delightful moan from escaping from my mouth. Shawn hasn't even finished half of his steak and was eating in a formal way while maintaining his posture and here i was literally piging out.

Whoa, take it easy mia I reminded myself .

After the dinner finished we walked back to his car. He insisted for some dessert but I declined kindly as I was full,if I would take anymore food in my stomach it would burst. Again as I walked next to him his hands traced down my arm and settled on my fingers. By now i was used to this, ofcourse I loved the feel of his cold fingers tracing down my skin which sent chills creating goosebumps,his rough dominating grip tightened around me and he drew circles in my palm.

He unlocked his car and opened the door to my passenger side and shut it close after I had settled in. He quickly jogged to his side and sat in roaring his cars engine to life.

As he was about to take off ,his phone chymed with a iPhone cellular tune. He annoyingly declined it and threw his phone back in his pocket.  I couldn't stop but wonder who it could have been and I started debating whether I wanted to know or not and here I went........

"Who was it........?",I asked looking out the window.

"Well it's Britney but that's not important so don't worry actually I was wondering if I can ask you for a  favour....?

"Yeah sure", I said looking surprised.

"Okay so this may sound a bit immature but can you like stay with me for tonight,i don't know why but I feel a bit at ease around you and plus I figured you haven't done much of sightseeing yet.......",he paused waiting for confirmation.

"OK.......I said abit unsure while stressing on the K.

OK he repeated with the broadest smile I have yet seen so far. I started thinking about all the things which could go wrong if I stayed with him for a night but I was not going to fight the feelings anymore the fact that he choose to share his past with me increased the empathy I had for him and revealed a very intriguing side of him which I would soon like to discover.

He placed his hands on my thighs  and oh boy there were eruption of volcanoes in my stomach .I bit my lower lip abit to hard oozing out abit of blood from my lips. I licked the blood off from my lips and tasted the coppery metallic taste of the blood and tried to calmed my rather ragged breathing. Oh I could get used to this I assured myself.

As he slowed down his car a faint picture of a building structure come into view. With the use of   moonlight and other streets lights I figured it was a huge house wait a house is an understatement this was a mansion.

Sweet baby jesus

"Yeah pretty enormous right but my parents were like we're a big family which by the way is sarcastic",he said smiling.

Did I just say that out aloud damn.


Authors note

Firstly want to apologise for taking forever and disappearing like a non-existent specie.
But I hope everyones lives are great.
Untill next time happy reading🌸🌸

That Amazing Girl |WATTYS2021|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon