chapter 15

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To all the bad people :
"Ever heard of karma,well it's a real thing".

Song: who by lauv and bts


"Hey Stacia watcha chowing",?

I enter the cafeteria room and immediately my nostrils are attacked with strong vinegar,hot sauce and burger patties aroma. I Take a seat where Stacia is seated . Ridge is sipping on his soda and Stacia is too busy munching on her burger.

"Ammmm,Stacia goes statisfied with her burger." She mentions me to take a seat infront of her.

"Alright ladies,I'll take my leave, have alot on my plate,"he says leaving the table.

"Soooo....(stacia sounded super inquisitive) did you guys have a smooch,I even closed the door for you guys,"she asks with excited eyes.

No,nothing like that happened Stacia!

She breaks into fits of laughter managing to catch a few people's attention .

"Mia I can smell your desire,"she speaks in between her laughs.

"Oh shit 10 o'clock,"she says looking behind me and I immediately know who she is talking about.

"Oh and the puppy seems to be lost still following it's master around,"she adds with a annoying look.

Shawn walks to the buffet and picks up an apple and a pie along with a bottle of coke and of course vannesa will have the same as him.

God she couldn't be any original than that.

"So who is she?,I ask,I could feel she was not new here .

"Well i am surprised Shawn hasn't told you about her,"she looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

"That's because we're not exactly a thing,I told you Stacia, I practically said getting annoyed because I wanted to know everything about her.

"Ok fine,she is Shawn's previous ex,one thing I'm damn sure is that everyone hates her and she can be quite vindictive and pure evil," she replies looking at her with anger.

"Is she like a partner of this company like does she own shares or something because her presence surely did not enlighten Shawn clearly so what is she doing here",I say abit seriously.

"More like you're not the one ENLIGHTENED to see her here(she smiles wickedly),well she is Loren's best friends daughter so obviously you can join the dots from there,she is also an interior designer and makes reasonable fortune enough to shower with money ", she states the facts.

"Stacia are you done?,Ridge asks.

"Oh yeah,I almost forgot I need to go catch you later",she says already walking away from the table.

Perfect i just became a prey to a deadly predator.

I closed my eyes tightly trying to stop the millions of massages my impulses were sending to my brain. I also decided to get some work done. Like who was I kidding I had a whole stack anxiously waiting for me to get started on them.

I was halfway typing an email to a editor when I received an inbox from Jennifer. I opened it immediately since i was still going to call her later tonight.
She firstly apologised for being forward but requested me to pay her a visit to her office tommorow,she even pinned her location.

It's crazy how sometimes things work out for you without requiring any sort of efforts. I like to think of them as gifts and rewards we get from life.

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