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In the height of everything there's a beautiful you- selvi patel

Song : trampoline by Zayn & Shared


Knock ,knock,Kno.....knock and it stopped.
Eliminating all the tiredness by twisting, stretching and rubbing my eyes. I was almost about to get up when......
"Go away, it's still early",was heard.
It was said with a rather raspy voice but somehow it sounded sexy.
The alluring thing about this was that it was not my response. I jolted up from my sleep now fully awake and almost shrieked when I saw Shawn laying next to me sleeping soundly while hugging the pillow with half of his leg dangling in the air.

I thought I was sleeping alone and how did I get in this beautiful silky bed in the first place . I remembered sitting in the kitchen as Shawn prepared dessert for me which obviously he did not technically create himself because all he did was- scooped out some ice cream into glass bowls, crushed some Oreo biscuits and also added some melted dark chocolate and finished it up with strawberry slices.He named the dessert the relaxing space . Well which indeed the dessert was relaxing as I fell asleep since we took our desserts and settled down for a movie. He must have put me to bed . Which got me wondering if he carried me bridal style or just dumped me .

I was actually feeling Abit uncomfortable at the thought of Shawn sharing the same bed as me wait uncomfortable is the wrong term to describe my emotions let's replace it with shy. That's it Shawn makes me nervous honestly I didn't know how to react to this so for a few minutes I tried to calmed my rather fast breathing and finally I thought of waking him up as it was already time for work.

I shaked him up lightly but obviously that made no difference. He was a heavy sleeper. I was afraid to touch him for the sole reason I didn't know how he would react so i ripped off the covers but still no Vail. Huffing out of frustration I also fell on the bed and began to think of other ways and then it clicked.
I set an alarm for a minute and let it blare and thanks the heavens he finally moved to searched for his phone to turn off the alarm which I did for him. After a few sexy grunts and moans he did a full body stretch like how cats usually do and opened his eyes. That little moment felt very special to me and I actually admired a sleeping man.

I stopped smiling when he sang a rather long....
"Good morning miaaa".

Gosh I was not used to people with fluctuating moods like hell just a few minutes ago he was yelling at whoever was on the other side of the door and now here he was being all too sexy-messed up-cocky handsome Shawn.

So instead of returning his greeting I hit him with the 'I'll get a shower and meet you in the kitchen' already fleeting towards the bathroom.
"You'll find all the essentials in there but if you need something you know where to find me",he said getting out of the bed.

I quickly stripped of my clothes and stepped into the steaming shower which felt like lava melting my skin. My head was engulfed with millions of questions like
What if we had like a skin to skin contact?,obviously not the sexual one.
•and did he just plat my hair omw he did I didn't even realise that until I undid my hair to put it in a bun.
And the list continued....
I opened a sensor closet door and there lay different sets of new Lacey bikini's along with other undergarments. I went for the black set because we all know the mantra by now black is beautiful and it never fails to impress one. I glanced at myself in the mirror the size was perfect . I stepped closer to the mirror and studied every detail of my body I've never felt so sexy and confident in my life. At that point every mole and scar on my body striked with beauty and that's when I leant a small life lesson that self love and self care are two impartial factors needed in ones life to be truly happy and is a great way to start loving yourself.

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