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I stuck out of the fabric like a split thread.

Of course my introvert flourishes out the time I needed it the most. I might as well just ditch and no-one would mind —or yeah, limping with a bloody leg and the attention would dissolve in two seconds. I have to eat my lunch with the fact that I'm alone; me and my Paramore shirt.

"Who are you talking to?" I look to my left and found Jake over-head.

"Was I talking out-loud?!" I said with a surprised face.

And sure enough, I was.


"Dude, you don't have to be alone"

"Yeah, okay." I said.

"Seriously, just stop moping around, I'm here."

And soon enough he was sitting right by me.

"So why are you so far from school? I mean why are you sitting on this bench at the edge of the field, we're practically in the forest — which is out of school bounds." He said as the leaves blew around us.

"Hey, it's beautiful around here..." I answer.

"Yeah, true."

"... and you can see the whole school and can just tell everyone's personality by exactly what their doing"

"Okay, but there's more than what it looks like, ya know. There's a deeper person inside of the facade." He said. "It's like if I just saw you sitting on this bench with your... well, nobody. Like, you're not a sad person, your like hella cool with that awesome Paramore shirt. And I know you can be a fun person. People aren't like robots... exactly." He was looking right into my eyes.

I can't help but smile, he acts scarily suave and smart when he's alone. It's friggin weird. But what he said gave me a different perspective. It's frightening, he's looks like this 'dude-bro' (and comes off as one) but wow. "You're right, so so right."

"Hey, that doesn't make you completely wrong. Anyway, your right about that seeing the whole school thing.

"Yeah there, look" he pointed to the other side of the field. It was a group of guys playing rugby. "That's basically my team, I play rugby."

"Woah, why don't you hang out with them? I mean, I'm no good." I said.

"Their annoying. and you're not 'no good'" He rummaged through his bag and pulled out an open bag of chips. "Here, take some."

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"Hey I'm going to give you a secret. Everyone loves food. Right? Right. That's why the first day I meet someone I give them some of my chips"

"Oh wow, you really got me there. I'll use that one day." A slab of silence flooded a few seconds of our time.

He coughed in the side of his fist "Hey, so... what happened at class today?"

"Huh?" I said, with a slight eyebrow raised.

"Ummm, that quiet shrieking you did on your desk. And that loud bang after you practically fell on it." He said.

I gasped, choking on my own spit. "Gah! Uh, I mean. It's nothing... we'll it is something, but I just don't like talking about it... but if it happens again, call the police... hehehe."

"Well... um okay, I promise I won't pester you about it" He said, "Hey! That girl you like..."


"She's cool, go get her. I know she's free."

"Thank-." Before I could finish the bell rang. Before I could turn back, Jake was already up and ready.

"Bye man, have a great day" he gave me his famous two finger salute. And turned his back to walk to the school.

As I saw his broad back from the bench, I send back his two finger salute.

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