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"I'm totally ready, dude! Now, lie that sexy hunk of meat on the... you know."

I do as he says and lie down on the black leather couch tummy down.

"Okay John, this is what I've been waiting for for a long time." He rubs his hands together "Bro, I'm going to kneel on your butt."

"Oh Jesus, no." I say, but I choose not to anything to stop him (he already has me pinned under him, and plus he's a jock, he's too strong for me.). "Wait!" I say, before he could place his hands on me. I try to reverse what's already been done, "We don't have lotion, we can't do this anymore."

But of course, he says, "I already got it covered." As if he was expecting this to happen. "Did you really think you could head back from the place of no return?" And softly, he slaps my butt.

"Oh geeze."

"I just don't get it, I'm trying so hard for her to open up to me, but she doesn't — oh- yeah, that's the spot — she doesn't want to reply to my emails, she doesn't answer my calls or texts — oh dear, was that a click?... yes?!... oh it's okay, alright. — and shes never at school now." I tell Jake as he perfectly [and may I say, PERFECTLY] pushes on the pressure points around my shoulder blades.

"Mate," Jake's straightening out my spine now. "She might not be ready to talk to anyone at this time, but when you see her at school, don't be hostile to her, she probably is having a tough time with something."

"Thanks Jake — oh gosh, wow, where did you learn to do this?... how can this just come naturally to you?... me? Special treatment?!... you don't even do this for your team?... thanks buddy."

Jake continues to go lower, massaging my pelvic muscles. I fully trust Jake with this now, no matter how close his genitals are to my gluteus, and no matter where he has chosen to put his hands on.

"Jake." I say after a while. I choose to be sincere.

"Ya?" He says.

"I love ya."

"Uhh, oh boy. Uhh, I love you to." Jake says. I could tell he's smiling by his softer touch.


I feel a shift in weight. A shuffle, and change in position. Jake is lying on the top of my back. I elevate my torso, Jake wraps his arms around my chest, now his face lying on my head.


There's a shaky feeling on top of me, Jake embraces me tighter. He's slowly starting to sob.


"I love you John. John, I love you."

I pat his arm. "I know, buddy. I already know." I smile.

"John, I love you." His tears dripping down my neck.

"Don't worry," I swerve around and turn my body to his, so my bare skin can face his shirt. I take my arms and hold him just as he's holding me. "I love you too."


After Jake got home, Jake emailed me a section of his new lemon. It went like this: 'As his glistening abs shun off the darkness of my soul, I felt a spirit enter inside me. The smooth white of his skin made me hard.

"Can I touch it?" I asked politely

"Yes, try it out." His muscular vocal chords breached out.

Nervously, I slid my hand on both his pecs, playing around with his nipples a few times. I reached his abs, stone hard. I couldn't resist myself, a leak deep down started to sprout.

"Yeah, that's nice." He said, "but that wasn't the part I was talking about."

"Huh?" I said, flabbergasted.

Fast, he took my hand and started to knead his bulge carried inside his denim jeans. "Like that babe?" He said. I blushed, my cheeks raised up (both sets of them).

Suddenly without me knowing. He pulled out his enormous...' That's all I can show you though, sorry if you liked it, because I didn't. [kinda found it funny though].

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