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We're walking back home, each of us: me, Jake, and Gemma after the second The Little Mermaid incident.

I rub the bump on my head. "It still really hurts!"

Gemma gives me a glare of piercing anger "You still deserved it!"

Jake spoke out from behind us. "Do you want me to kiss it for you?"

Gemma pops to my right "Don't kiss it Jake!"

Jake hops on my left "Why? It's bulging and throbbing and there are only two things that do that, and this isn't the good one..."

I take a gulp. We all walk a slow minute of silence after what Jake says.

I say, "umm, so what's the other one...?" They both look at me from both sides. "Like, what's the other... bulging... throbbing thing."

Jake looks at my crotch, then back at me. A wave... a large wave of uncomfortable... ness. It sweeps through my back. Jake looks at the spot again, he sucks and bites his lips.

"Wow..." Jake says. I can tell Gemma feels so bad for me, her eyebrows grow wonky, and she can't look at me in the eyes directly. Jake continues, "... That's one large mother-."

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY!!!" She puts out before he could finish. Her breath unable to be controlled.

"Please." I say after a second.

"If I had the chance," Jake says as if we never interrupted him. "I would totally get down to... Yeah..." a face of true horror looms over me and Gemma. Jake starts to smile.

A laughter breaks off Jake. One Gemma and I many never understand.

"Yeah, John." Jake jokes, "if you ever get really drunk at a party. Please, see me." He looks at Gemma, "Gemma, if you ever find us in a closet for over thirty minutes, please lock the door, and leave some food, protection, and a lubricant." Jake continues to laugh.

Gemma contracted face freeze, she did not have a pretty face at this moment, I didn't have a pretty face at this moment, Jake would probably say something different however. If you capture a photo of this moment. It would look like Jakes the daddy and we just had 'The Talk' (which we kind of did). And if you have that photo: please, do not post it online; burn it and all of its contents; then burn the device you took it on, someone might hack in and find it.


"CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT JOHN'S DICK!?" Of course, it was Gemma who says this. Thank you Gemma, you're my saviour.

"Fine, you'll find out all about those ENORMOUS things when YOU SUCK IT!!!" And it was Jake who says this.

"FUCK YOU! LETS TALK ABOUT JOHN'S OTHER BULGING THROBBING THING!!!" She says. I still don't know why I have to be in the middle of this.

"OMG HE HAS TWO!!!!!!!!!!!" Jake... again.


"John deserved it for what he did" Gemma says after five more minutes about my thingy.

Jake says, "I didn't even hear what he said"

Gemma moved to the left of me. We stop completely. Half of me wants to see Jake's reaction, the other half, the absolute opposite. Gemma started talking, "He said..."

Jake listened very thoroughly, "Oh that's not so bad..."


"Oh GOD"

I just realised I barely talked throughout this whole time.

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