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A month and a half had passed. Things haven't been the same. After recovering, taken for research, and redoing my published writing, it was really hard just having my normal old life back.

And most importantly... It was difficult trying to talk to her again. I see her every morning at class, but it's like every morning it we're drifting apart. Our usual tables would be towards the middle right... but lately she would chose to sit in the opposite side of the room... whenever I sit near the spot she sat last time, it's the opposite side of the room for her... and if it does happen that we're right next to each other, she would converse with me in such a manner, that she acts like nothing even happened in the past year... it's like we're just two strangers. I still remember the advice that Jake gave me, but it turned out, it was much more stress inducing than it sounded to be. I try to talk to Gemma, but she would either; give a closed answer, look down, or just look away as if I nothing has been said... and sadly, most of what happened was the latter. Being beside her is much more painful than I had previously imagined.

But aside from that, school has become a real busy duty, as day and night, I focused on these little pieces of homework, just to get me a little more credit for next year. Because of my exasperating schedule, I wasn't even able to hang around Jake much... the only times I would see him was also in the mornings; but, other than that, lunchtimes would be spent indoors for me, and training for the regional school championships for Jake.

After schools would be awful for me, I wouldn't be able to keep my posture up for a second without falling in bed. Eating was an easy feat... but not a fun or fulfilling one. Chores at home would only be accomplishable in the weekends, unfortunately, most of the week is not a weekend... so there goes my free time.

But nonetheless, the last day of school has passed. I applied to become a librarian the next year so the Thursday section of the schedule would finally be filled out... plus extra credits for my future job interviews. And I planned to go with Jake to a Paramore signing sometime in the holidays. Just for that trip, I bought something extra, that I hope she'll love.

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