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I've been pacing days wondering why I have yet to see Gemma for a week, we were pulling it off so great! I think...
Was I nice enough? Was I understanding enough? Did I listen to her? Is she avoiding me?!

Oh god, oh dang, oh-. I gotta get a hold of myself

Does she hate m-. No! Don't think that! Everything will just be fine.

Okay. Stop looking at the schools bathroom mirror, you've been watching it for fifteen minutes now. Kids are staring to get scared.

Yeah, you're right... me. Thinking about Gemma to myself won't help a thing.

I pressed the faucet top, releasing a fresh breeze of water. I took a small heap of the cold liquid splashing it in my face.

"Bro, are you good now?" Jake yells behind a toilet stall.

"Yeah, I think I'm good now." I breath, wiping away the water with the neck of my shirt.

"Kay, hold on. Gotta wipe... and-." The toilet flush roars louder than the average lion [which is less than a tiger]. Jake opens the stall. "Alright, lets get to class."

"Right on... to class." Jake does a march and sings 'C'mon vamenos' from Dora The Explorer.

I open the restroom door, brightness of the hallways reeks in the dark shallows of the boys bathroom. "Ahh! My eyes!" Jake jokes, and screeches.

Outside the restroom, we freeze as we hear a familiar voice somewhere behind us.

"Can I an extra week to finish the assignment Miss? Ive been away for family business." I hear from the left. A few seconds await the answer "... yeah okay I understand. But a few more days please?" Another answer. "Thanks. I gotta return my book." ... "Okay, I'll remember to do it before class next time." The girl walked out. She pops out the door right by me. "John! Oh hey..."

Gemma was wearing a grey long sleeved turtleneck — something she never would wear.

Jake exclaimed, "Oh wow, Gemma! I never heard you say anything without profanity following it!"

"Shut up, fucktard."She said.

"Yeah like that!" Jake followed.

She wanted to leave quickly. She kept taking her eyes off me. She started walk out, "I gotta go-."

"Gemma." I said before she went. "Why weren't you here?"


"I thought we were having such a great time... sorta. Why are you ignoring the emails I sent you?" I said.

"I-it's not that I'm ignoring you," Gemma was looking out. "I had important... quite important family stuff."

Jake budged in, "Yeah, that explains that awkward turtleneck. Where'd you get it?"

Gemma shot a glare of two undying suns at Jake. Jake looks unfazed however.

I whisper away from Gemma "Jake, can you go... somewhere else, please." I said, "Can't you see... umm." I shot two flicks at Gemma.

"Fine, I'm going to smoke some weed under school staircase." He said, and he did... leave.

Gemma struts away. I follow her lead. "Gemma what's wrong? I can help you with anything if you'd like?"

"No I'm fine." she stopped in her tracks, "I just can't deal with this right now. If you go in the library tomorrow, I'll see you there."

"How will I know you don't mean 'next month'?" I said worryingly, but coming off harsh.

"I mean it." Her fists clenched, "Don't you have a class to go to?" She said very firmly.

"..." I did, but it wasn't as important. "Let me come with you-."

"Just... fuck off... John..." she said, and took off, leaving me in the dirt.

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