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"John bro, you really gotta go after her!" Jake told me over both my shoulder.

The twitching on on the tips of my fingers smeared right on my back. "I can't."

Both his hands grasped my shoulders, "Yes, you can. You've been staring at this girl for a week now, she must be more than 'a girl.'"

A pathetic whimper screeches through my vocal chords, "Uhhhh-."

"Hey dude look," I followed to where his finger directs. "Those are her two friends. Ava, and Harriet. They always tell Gemma they have to leave mid-way from lunch for 'the bathroom' and always goes to the library for some reason."


"When she's alone, you can talk to her all day. And three... two... one... she's alone! Go get her man!" He pushed my back and sent his legs flying to the closest tree.


After a minute of jumping around pleading for the strength God can give to me, I finally manned up.

The first steps to my future are wobbly and pretty sad. But a bit more strength I'm probably in her periferal vision.

My hoarse voice attempted to make the contact. "Hey-."

"They went to the library again did they!?" Her voice powered out.


"They're probably making out in there again! I keep telling them I know, but they act like nothing happens. They're so FUCKING dumb."

She said the eff-word, she actually said the eff-word out loud like she didn't even care. My eyes try to stay away from hers. "Uhh, hehehe."

"Sorry, I forget I'm in public sometimes.

"Oh, you're the kid in my English class."

"Science too."

"Right yeah, science. Umm, John. You were wearing that cool Paramore shirt on the first day."

"Oh you noticed?" I smiled.

"Hell yeah, that was cool." She said punching my shoulder softly. "Do you wanna go to the library tomorrow and hang out? We'll probably see those two dumbos out there."

"Yeah okay."

"I'll see you there." He walked away giving me a two finger salute. Yes, the two finger salute.

Jake danced off the tree giving my a giant grin and a double thumbs up.

I smile lights up brighter than a Christmas tree.

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