Chapter 6// Oh-My-God

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                After 2 weeks

Miley's POV

It's been 2 Weeks and I couldn't be happier..the relationship between me and Liam is better than ever, me and Sel are as always: THE BEST.. I am feeling that it couldn't be better you know? but i'm also scared at the same time, Scared that it will all change to the worst..
i'm not crazy ,don't smile like that..everybody has that feeling sometimes..right? oh well, I hope it won't become true, cause I like the way everything is like right now..but we'll see

It's 2 AM and I can't sleep because of the over thinking about Him , it's just crazy the thing of finding someone you could think about all day, cause that's something me.. cause don't know if the feelings are alike you know? maybe he sees me just as a good friend, oh my god I'd get friend-zoned..but he's just so damn cute,sweet and just so, Hot!

*a bird's tweet* ohh I got a Text    
yes i have a Samsung a Problem??
I thought so...I'm not that big fan of the famous iPhone..I'm weird right?


Liam: hey, you asleep? :*

aww he's thinking about me at..2:30 AM??? AWWW *-*

Me: no I can't..looks like you can't sleep either ;*

ok that was a flirty smiley..ehh he's gonna ignore it anyways..

Liam: nahh..i was thinking about..emm stuff.. ;)

Miley: What Stuff;)

Liam: I'm not sure..but

Me?? why?? what would he think about me?? Oh god I'm getting nauseous 


Me: Me? what were you thinking about me?

-how was it?? oh too bad i just clicked send -.-

Liam: I wanted to tell you something...would you like to meet me? right now? if yes, come out to the Garden in front of the building ok? I'll meet you there :D

Me: umm ok..but I'm not staying long ok? :)

- OMG OMG OMG I'm so happy I wanna scream omg omg Sel gotta tell her NOWWWW!!!!!! shit, maybe she's sleeping..i'll go check out
I tip-toed slowly to her room and I noiselessly opened the door...she quickly hid her Phone under the pillow and  closed her eyes..
she's not a good liar as you could see..emm read?

"I SAW YOU!!" I loudly said and then jumped on her bed.
"opps busted?" she giggled and she sat straight so she could see me
"You won't guess who wants to meet me right now guess!! no no I'll just tell you omg omg I'm so happy my heart would just stop omg" i said jumping up and down on her bed..dayyym I'm crazy sometimes
"Calm the fuck down and tell me!! is it Li-" she said happy for me but slightly getting annoyed that I won't tell and wouldn't stop jumping on her bed
"OMG Miley STFU! and gooooo! be careful!" Selena pushed me
"ok ok *inhaling and exhaling*  ok I've got this..i can do...wish em luck" I said and went out not waiting to hear Selena respond

what would Liam possibly want from me in this time?

Justin's POV

I was done writing a song..about a girl I met..she was amazing, but well I've got no luck with her cause she hates Playboys. what should i do?? I don't want to think about her! I'm not like this, never wa-  never will be again..I've made my desicion and I have to stick to it..unlesss I want to make the same mistake twice..

OMG OMG OMG.I heard someone screaming...ok who's screaming at 3 AM?? Am I not the only one who can't sleep? what is happening..
I opened the door and heard the screams from the room across my room..never knew who lived there..but there are the screams of a girl.. I walked slowly to the door, looking right and left to see if anyone's out..nope..then I glued my ear on the door to hear:

Screaming girl: You won't guess who wants to meet me right now guess!! no no I'll just tell you omg omg I'm so happy my heart would just stop omg

another girl: Calm the fuck down and tell me!! is it Li-


the other girl: OMG Miley STFU! and gooooo! be careful!

Miley?? WTF?? Is he asking her out?? i'll go check him fast before Miley sees me..I went to the garden and there he was..with a rose? well it is true..and she was excited, that means she likes him..there goes my dream girl...I went back to my room,sad..but why? she's just another girl..why is she more important than the others?

*BAAAAAAAM* I bumbed into someone..ugh litarly not the time
"The fuck? watch where you're going bii-  Miley??"
"Justin??" she said surprised rubbing her head
"I'm so sorry"   I offered her my hand to pull her up..she hit it and stood up by herself..

"I'm fine just..go, I don't want to see your face..I'm feeling good so don't ruin that for me ok?"  .. She said a bit mad..damn she's Hot when she's makes her irresistable.. yeah yeah cliche I know..but it's true
"wooohh someone is mad..what are you doing up so late?"  I said as if I don't know why.. she's going to the one she loves..and that isn't me..
"I could ask you the same Bieber.."
"how do you know my last name? been stalking me Cyrus?"
"no it's just that every bitch in this Area talks about catch the name.." she said rolling her eyes
"someone is could easly get me're not like the others, trust me" 
"you could try and flirt Bieber, but it won't work on me" she chuckled "nice try next time..if I even would want to talk to you" she started walking away..I was actually hoping that when she talks to me, she'll forget about Liam..I guess not
"ouch..that hurt..where are you going??"
"just leave me alone ok bieber?I'm not like your bitches..I don't want to kiss you, I don't want you flirting with me and I absoltly with no doupt don't want to sleep with it?!"  with that she walked away..worst part is: I couldn't stop her.. she dosen't even want to talk with me

Miley's POV

oh Liam must have been waiting there for 5 minutes..ugh stupid Justin made me lose time, ..hopefully Liam is still waiting for me, not thinking that I would ditch him..cause I wouldn't ever..
I love spending every second of the time with him so why would I even not go and meet him?

I walked faster so I would get there faster..duuh that's the point of going faster..ok I'll shut up
I got there and- there he is..he's so hot..he had a beige Mens shorts on (for sleeping) and a white tanktop, letting me slightly see his toned abs underneath..even though it's a bit dark, he looked amazing..
I finally approached him
ok..I gotta do this now...wish me luck

"sorry that you had to wait again.." I said remebering the first time we drank coffee together "so what did you want to talk about?" I smiled at gim onnocetly

"well...I'm actually not sure about what you're going to say" he said looking down, i think he's shy but i'm not sure, because as said, it was a bit dark
"it's ok you can tell me anythibg" I assured him so he could continue 

"the thing is..."


Edited: 04.08.2014 reason: it was shitty

CLIFFHANGER!! hahahahha

So finally I GOT MY LAPTOP WOHOOOOOO..I began chapter 7!!! be excited *-*!!!  

I've got goosebumbs right now because I'm listening There's nothing like us (Acoustic) by Justin *-*

how is your vacation? i mean it's easter break right? well here in Germany it is :D

-how was this chapter? it took me 1hours to right so I assume it is a long one?? yaaay finally!!!!!

Have a wonderfull day <3 loooove ya'll :D

DAYYYYM +1000 read a lot ;)
correction: 1360 Words :D

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