Chapter 25// I'm Ready..

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Warning: this chapter has Sexual Explicit Material..and I'm not responsible if anything offended you or made you feel uncomfortable..please leave if you are under 14. You have been warned.

Song of the Chapter: Imagine Dragons-Radioactive (turn it on when I tell you so)
Reader be like "praise Jesus hallelujah a Sex chapter"

A/N: guys,this is my first ever written sex scene..I've sex talked before and they said I was amazing but I'm not so sure..If you have any tips please comment or write me a message privately..
and please tell me your very honest opinion!
Have fun.. *winks miserably*

Miley'  POV (sorry it's not from Justin's.)

Yesterday was amazing..I really loved it..I mean no one ever thought of me , or took me to a romantic date..but the ending wasn't what I was going for..I mean yeah he did save me from a mistake. He's a player,and I don't think that I'd be the person who'll make him change. He's still heartbroken over Caitlin or whatever her name is, and I have nothing to offer him..nothing more than feelings that is.
I was making tee for me and Selena...I already prepared a couple of cooked eggs, tomatoes, cucumber, and so on..and now I'm waiting for her to wake up.
I decided that I wouldn't wait and I went to her room, slowly and smiling I opened the door expecting to see a sleeping Selena, but she wasn't there.
what? where is she? 
I looked in the bathroom and she wasn't there either..what the?
I took my phone and I immidiatly pushed 1 on the speed dial..of course she's number 1..
after a few ring I finally hear her sleepy voice.. "hello?" she said
"where, the hell, are you" I said with gritted teeth
"oh" she chuckled "Miles.."
"yeah Miles" I got mad "I just did breakfast for us..I woke up and was like why not make breakfast for my best friend in the whole world..I miss her but apparently you're not always"
"I was with.."
"let me guess Zayn?" I interrupted "forget it know what?" I had a second thought "you move your ass over her and eat with me you bitch..I'm waiting you have exactly 5 minutes..if not then I'll lock you out and you can gladly sleep another night with the love of your life"
"no fucking buts now MOVE" I hung up
you don't know how pissed I am at her..before we moved to LA. we were so happy that we'll be together all the time, and how much fun we'll be having..but ever since she has Zayn, it's like she has no time for me and it's pissing the shit out of me! I miss my bff, I want to laughed with her about the stupidest stuff, make jokes, eat, brag about someone, talk about how much I'd like to fuck Justin, Sex (which we do..we are wierd best friends trust me) and everything! I just love hanging out with her..

as I was waiting on the table for Sel, I looked at the clock on my phone, one more minute..she better show up or and as I was thinking about the punishment I heard keys going in the key hole..finally
"I'm so so sorry babe please hear me out" she came in and started making excuses immediately
"talk as we eat" I attacked the food on the table
"but I have to tell you something very important" she was smiling like crazy
"fine" I looked up and sighed "spit it"
"I..had my first time with Zayn yesterday"
"WHAT?" i screamed "congrats babe!!" I stood up quickly and ran and hugged her..
I know how important this was to her, to find someone worth enough to sleep with her after what happened..and it seems like her and Zayn are getting pretty serious 
"I'm so happy for you..tell me everything" I pushed her hair away from her face..
"ok it was so amazing! he was so big I wasn't sure if I could bare it" she smiled at the memories of the night before
she continued talking and eating and I was listening and leaving stupid comments here and there earning laughs from both of us we almost choked..she was telling me how amazing the feeling it was and I couldn't stop thinking about the night before..and I couldn't stop thinking about the intense between me and Justin, and how right it never felt like this with anyone else, I was never turned on by the first base only..
I mad at Justin..really mad..why did he do that? wasn't I "hot" enough?
I know he said that I deserve better, but was the one that chose him to take it away..
I even shaved for him that ungrateful bastard..
you may think that I'm may be right but do you know how embarrassing it is? it looks like I'm a whore..he must think of me of some bitch that throws herself at boys..oh god.
"oh my god.." I gasped
"what's wrong?" Selena asked as she was washing the dishes..(it's her punishment)
"he must think that I'm a whore! oh god" I covered my face 
"he won't trust me.." she smiled at me sympathetically "he knew that you weren't thinking right"
"but I was!" I yelled "I wanted him.." 
"well then he doesn't deserve you" she shrugged and continued washing the dishes..
after we ate breakfast I told her that she has to wash the dishes because A: that's how I'll forgive her and B: I simply don't want to haha..I'm mean I know
as Sel was done we both sat on the couch..doing, nothing..
"what should we do, I'm bored" I sighed
"I know!" she jumped " let's go shopping! we haven't done that in a really long while"
"oh yeaaaah" I smiled rubbing my hands together "new sheeewz"
"come on" she laughed,grabbed my hand and pulled me after her..

You're all that matters to me ~ JileyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora