Chapter 18// everything is not what it seems (Long Chapter)

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Miley’s POV

do you ever have the feeling, that everything happening in the moment in front of you, is just an illusion?

or you just don’t know any more if it’s worth it to get sad about what happening in front of you?

you don’t want to feel that this whole time, you’ve been lied to...

that you always say a lot of things happen for a reason, but when it’s happening to you, you just want to scream your lungs out, screaming why? Why me?!!

thinking that the pain your feeling now, will be over...but at the same time, you feel it will never ever fade away...

right now, I’m feeling all those things I just mentioned...

but most of all, I feel betrayed...

to even trust someone so much that they just play with your me, it does not feel good...

I also feel so stupid to think for a second that this person means something to me, most important that I am something for them...

lies ,lies ,lies I hate it...can’t stand it... 

it’s just not worth it..

I just stood there, letting my tears stream down my cheek while seeing a view, I never expected to see...maybe you all knew, maybe everybody knew and I was there like a stupid girl being played with, without noticing...

I tried to say something but every time I wanted to, I would open my mouth, and say nothing...and then more tears would fall down so I don’t know how long I’ve stood there..

I thought of revenge, make him feel the same he’s making me feel in this moment but I’m not that kind of a person...I’m not saying I’m not strong enough, or that I can’t defend myself but he’s not worth it, I don’t think he’ll even care, cause if someone does something like this, wouldn’t even care about anyone’s feelings...

“enjoying yourself?” I finally said after I washed my tears away with the back of my hand with no use cause new ones were falling on my cheeks

the look on Liams Face was priceless... not guilty because if what he did, but guilty because he was caught ...

can’t believe I was stupidly in love with such a person, even though I can think of so many name to call him right now, hit him, scream in his face...but I couldn’t

you actually don’t know how wrong you were all along until you see it as it actually is...

hah...that blond bitch beside him looked annoyed cause they were interrupted...who knows how far they would go if I didn’t say anything...

how she looks like? You know those blond bitches in movies? That typical blond bitches with so much makeup you can’t even recognize their skin color...with the gum that they pop in your face? Wearing skirts that barely covers anything (which is the point of wearing them)...

yeah, one of those

“here you go” I threw the keys in his face...ashamed of myself that I’m even talking to him “now go continue what you planed to do before I came...and then don’t tell me about it” I smirked at his look... maybe I could have fun...even though just looking at him, is tearing me can’t

“Miley I...” he dared to speak up

Miley it’s not like what it seems I can explain bla-bla” I mimicked a typical man voice, miserably... “there is no excuse for cheating’ve done it a lot, couldn’t you hide it anymore stupid dick head?” I told him..I don’t care if he can see the pain though my eyes, cause I don’t think hiding will work.

You're all that matters to me ~ JileyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora