Chapter 20// Summertime Sadness

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A/N pelase hear the song on the's the Summertime Sadness cover by Miley Cyrus <3

it's just hate but she sang it better than Lena..just saying..enjoy reading and vote <3

Miley’s POV

It’s been two day since the day I went out with Justin, as friends so don’t  misunderstand something ok?

It was really fun, we’ve been texting lately a little bit more than before, he came to watch another movie yesterday, but we didn’t do anything special...

ok with something special I didn’t mean shoving each other’s tongue in each other’s!

He asks me how am I doing all the time, he brings me food sometimes if I don’t want to cook, but he never stays...maybe I annoyed him so much about the breakup?

nah not really cause I barley talk about it, which is a good thing cause I don’t want to remember how stupid I no, I don’t talk about it, I feel ashamed even when I just think about it...and then I want to punch a hole in a wall, and then eat two Ben & Jerry’s  which is one of the reason why I’m sit on the couch, watch The Notebook for like, the 5th time these past days...

What? I never said I didn’t feel bad about the whole thing, It’s not like I’m a robot with  no emotions...but when I’m around Justin I just don’t like him seeing me like this cause trust me, it a total turn-off seeing a woman with  a thigh long t-shirt with chocolate ice-cream stains on it , dirty hair in a messy bun which wasn’t opened in a day, dried tears on your chin and also, no I basically look like a zombie, great.

I actually don’t care, I don’t want to impress anybody and I really don’t have the interest of looking good cause, what’s the point? They cheat even if you look amazing all the time...

sometimes I think about what happened and think if I ever slept with him, would he stay with me and not cheat? Maybe it is my fault... maybe that was why he cheated after all...

but if he really “loved” me, he would understand that I’m NOT ready!!!

he would wait, he can’t pressure me of doing something I don’t want to do right now...

well I still have my virginity but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything else...

I am actually one of the people that look innocent and like an angel but have the dirtiest mind of them all...

those are the girls that you should keep guys *wink*

a quote from the amazing Ariana Grande’s song The Way, that part where Mac Miller raps:

“You a princess to the public, but a freak when it’s time”

a  relationship like that is

I was currently laying on my couch which is in the middle of the living room, and the TV is right in front of it, my phone in my hand while checking my Facebook wall hoping that something interesting will come up...

of course nothing that mattered was there so I threw my phone away to the arm chair next to the couch after locking know like the *click* thingi??

I sat there thinking about what’s happening to me in the moment, you know, it’s silent and I’m alone and I’m bored so I started thinking...I also started thinking about college, I can’t let what’s happening to me make my grades turn bad in college, that is my private life and College is my future, my education, so I have to be careful cause this is important...

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