Chapter 8// Magic

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Miley's POV

After what happened with Justin that surprised me so much..the day went on by pretty fast, cause I was with Liam the whole time..but I didn't forget what happened,actually it surprisingly didn't go out of my mind.. But it has to, cause I've gotta get ready for the date

I'm so excited.. He's gonna pick me up at 8's 5 pm I have time to relax o read..

I was walking to my dorm as I saw someone on the across my door..I came closer and my vision got clearer..

Justin again?  what is he doing there? is he nauseous? did something happen' to him? is he fine'? I came closer and.. ughh he still smells like alcohol..I think he drank too much..

"eyy Justin..wake up" I poked  him so that he wakes up.. he looks like in a coma

"mm.m.m..m l-leave me..j-just fi-ve m-minutes.."

"Justin wake up!! unless you want to sleep on the ground!" I came down to his level so I could talk normally an- *BAMM* I fell..Now?? really??

I'm literally laying on him right now..he slowly fluttered his eyes, and then he slowly opened the, while I still was on top of him,,questioning myself why I'm not getting up

he looked directly in my Chocolate Brown Eyes are wonderful..

wtf?!! nothing..I said nothing ok??

"You have very beautiful blue eyes..they look like diamonds" he said smiling sweetly..

"thanks,and  you're drunk :)" I said finally manged to stand up..

I know he's drunk that's why he's talking shit.. my uncle was just like him..he once was so drunk he set his hair on fire, and kept saying "I'm Fire-Man..the new Marvel Hero" yeah you're bald uncle Earl..

"and you're beautiful" he said and it looked like he was meaning it..

wait a sec, Justin..I mean the Justin Bieber called a girl beautiful and not sexy?? that's a WONDER!!A WONDER I'M TELLING YOU!!!

"w-where ehm.. where are your gotta go in aren't you?" I said getting down carefully so he could give them to me..

ok i was shy..shut up..

"here..Can you sleep b-beside m-me?? Pleeeeas" he said giving me the keys and looking at me with puppy eyes..

I opened the door and looked at him, not believing the fuck he's saying.. drunk people are really crazy i said..Uncle Earl

"no..sadly.. now come on get up!" I commanded and helped him getting up..damn..he's so damn heavy..fat ass -.- but I managed to get him to his bed

"nighty nighty..don't drink again ok? unless you want to be like uncle Earl and lose that precious Hair of  yours"  I really laughed..what to do..I'm funny   *Luigi accent*   just when people don'Ttlisten..

I took off his t-shirt and pants cause he was sweating like a cow.. and it would be uncomfortable to sleep in those tight clothes

i don't know why I said cow..let it be.. 

and no I didn't take them off to see his body alright?   alright..  

Oh-Ma-Gosh.. his abs really did look great..they are strong and toned, but not too much..and his tattoos are making it much better..

is it getting hot in here?? .. oh shut up!!! you hate him remember??..and he's an asshole..

now I know why he's getting in the pants of every girl..look at him..he's too Sexy...why won't they want to fuck the shit out of him (I'm looking at you beliebers)...

You're all that matters to me ~ JileyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora