chapter 24// "warm" but Sexy

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this Chapter is dedicated for the lovely @shawty4u <3 she has been waiting for my updates regularly and I really appreciate your lovely comments and you *-*

Two Months Later..

Miley's POV

"Fuck..Justin don't stop.." i moaned  loudly..not caring if anybody if we were alone in this world..and with the feelings he was giving me now, I don't care about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g!
Justin rested his face in my neck..breathing in and out, moaning just as loud as I did..
"Mi- Miley!" He screamed..making me go insane inside
"Oh my god!!" I screamed and seconds after that..he got out of me and laid beside me on his bed..
Both breathing heavily because of the amazing "love making we did"
After a few minutes of taking in all what happened and thinking of something to say..he spoke before I did
" 50 $ enough for you?" He stood up, took his pants and got a 50 $ shine from his wallet
"Wh- what?" I sat in my place, hoping that he's joking " what are you talking about?"
"You are a prostitute" he shrugged looking at me really confused  "so here's the money you were promised..can you close the door on your way out? Thanks..nice fucking by the way"
He wore his underwear and went in his bathroom..leaving me alone in this bed
"B- but" tears started whelming up in my eyes "NOOOO" i screamed out of my lungs

I woke up and sat up at my own bed, thank goodness, breathing heavily
This is not the first time I'm dreaming about sex with Justin, and it's making go really wild, so wild, every time I see him, pornos  start in my mind..crazy, wild ones.. panties are wet.. again
This is the third time this week! I'm losing my mind!
I looked at the clock on my phone..06:38 ..
Great, i could've slept 30 minutes more..thanks jus..

As I was finished with my morning routine, which includes, washing my teeth, going to the bathroom, NOT showering (I hate showering in the morning), packing my bag, finding something to wear, plus makeup and then eat my breakfast.
and in between them all, I wake up Sel, which is a really easy task actually..she the one usually waking up earlier but..Justin happened,.


"Oh come on! what should I do so that you'd come with me!" Justin pouted dropping a look at me while driving us home "it's gonna be fun, trust me!"
He has been babbling me out for like 10 minutes, so that I'd go with him on something I don't even know about, only that it's outdoors and it's really cold outside..It's already the beginning of December and I'm really freezing.
"Justin please I don't want to" I whined "I don't feel like going out today, I just want to stay home, learn for the exams next week and drink hot Chocolate"
"you know we always have fun together!" he teased me.
he's actually right, this past 2 months, I've been spending more time with Justin and he's really fun to be with..that's the reason I'm having all this weird why am I lying,they are amazing Dreams..
trust me, masturbating doesn't do it..I try it almost every night and it doesn't! I'm not a pervert 
"Trust me Miley" He started tickling my stomach "You can't say no for an answer" he started giggling a really mean giggle
"OK F-F-Fine" I screamed "I give  up.." 
"and now I'm happy" He smiled at me as he then parked in..I laughed at his reaction and he got out of the car as I sat in my place
"aren't you coming?" he chuckled
"aren't you opening the door for me?" I acted as if I was getting annoyed "just forget it..I thought you could be a gentleman for once" I sighed, annoyed (still acting) 
I got out of the car, walked pass Justin giving him a look, and started walking towards the entrance.
as I was smiling for the victory of making Justin think I'm mad at him, but I changed my mind quickly..
on my way he ran after me, stood right behind me, whispered wait in my ear with the sexiest voice I've ever heard, sending shivers down my body..I didn't move an inch, but I guess the beating of my heart was being heard by him..
he then unexpectedly picked me in bridal style, and I rapped my arms around his neck with my bag hanging from his back..
"what the hell are you doing?" I asked amusingly 
"being a gentleman, now relax and let me take you to your apartment safely" he smirked as started walking..I was smiling all the time..being so close to him is making me feel new stuff that I shouldn't  be feeling but I can't help it!
he's different..and no it's that typical thing that girls say before falling in love and then get their heart broken..with different I mean that he's different than any guy I've  been with..
ok fine I was in love with Liam but he didn't give me this wild feeling in me..which I love.,
he bring out the wild inside me, and I really think it's so much fun..
"you sure I'm not too fat for you to carry..since you barley have muscles" I chuckled looking at him as he was looking in front
"excuse me?" he stopped in the hall as we were doors away from my apartment..finally..
who am I kidding? I would love to stay here all day!
"I just carried your ass from the car till here and trying to impress you by being a gentleman, which I am and you're making fun of me?" he raised an eyebrow looking at me..I may have looked stupid right now by just looking at him straight in the eyes and say absolutely nothing..literally nothing..
"that's what I thought" he smirked as he continued walking..
damn it! he won this time..
he put me down in front of my door and he took a step back, stretching a little bit
"you sure are heavy" he joked
"or you're not trained enough" I winked at him as I turned around to open the door
he's totally checking my bottom out right now..
"so, I'll pick you up in 2 hours ok?" he smiled 
"alright..see you then" I watched him opening his door "ohh what should I wear!" I screamed before he closed the door 
"why you asking me?" he looked at me confused
"ugh" I sighed "should I wear something warm?" 
"ohh that..I would rather something sexy but yeah wear clothes that'll keep you warm" he chuckled
"you wish" I winked
"I do" I heard him whisper..
wait what does he mean? if he was kidding why did he whisper it!
eh don't over think it..
I threw my bag on the sofa and I took off my jacket and went straight to the kitchen..I immediately opened the refrigerator
wait, sel was supposed to cook today..there's nothing in the refrigerator..
Miley no likey.
"Seeeel" I yelled 
No answer..where is she?
eh, of course she's with her boyfriend..
wait..I didn't even ask her if they did something together if you know what I mean..
I mean they've been dating for more than five months and as I know Selena she'd do it already..
It wouldn't matter because she's not a virgin anymore..she already lost it for her ex boyfriend,that asshole..he tricked her to think that he loves her only to sleep with her and then after a week of doing that he "got bored" and just broke up with her..through another friend..he told them to tell her that motherfucking asshole I could've kill him right now..
calm down, calm down he's not worth it
even though he got a kick in the nuts but that doesn't satisfy me.. *insert evil laugh here*

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