Chapter 13// Kidnapped?!! not anymore..

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Justin's POV

 eh-um-eh..why is it so hard to open my eyes?

ughh..why are everybody so loud here!!

I finally got to open one eye..where the hell am I?

why the heck am I laying on the ground?

I could see a bit..I'm in a really dark room but there is someone sitting in the next room watching football and fucking screaming while I'm having a headache and I don't like that!!!

I tried to walk but then I looked feet and hands are tied up?

the fuck did I do yesterday??

I tried to remember..hard to with this fucking hangover..oh so I

*flash back*

"j-just l-leave m-m-me alone or else!" I said tried hard not to fall in the bar..I drank two bottles Vodka..yeah not a smart decision..problem bitch?!  I thought so..

"come with me in the easy way won't like the hard way"

"don't fucking command me ok?" I said drunkenly..the fuck does this fucker want?

"you gave me no other choice" he said shaking his head..

*baam*  and then..everything was pure black

*end flashback*

"eyy douche bag!! untie me!! EYY FAAAATIIIE!!!!" I said screaming and kicking the

"WHAT!" he said finally opening the door..fattie

"well finally!! untie me fucker!!" 

"I guess not.." he said wanting to walk away

"don't make me get mad or else!!" he's taking this too far...

"or what your daddy? we already did so don't worry"

ughh not this again..I hate this..they kidnap me cause I'm an only child and then they bribe my dad..thinking I'm not strong enough

"ohh please call him I'm so scared" I said sarcasemly

"ha.ha. very funny now leave me alone" fattie said..

haha I'll challenge myself if I can do this with a would be new..

after 4 hours

 I'm finally home..well not home home..the apartment..ughh you know what I mean..

I was walking in the corridor that's leading to my room..

I saw her..Miley.. she was walking out of her room..showing her beautiful smile

"hey Miley..what's up" I said getting closer to her room..I was 4 dorms away..

"bieber.."  she said looking away but still smiling.."nothing much..WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU.. YOU'RE BLEEDING"

"oh just a little fight..well I heard you had a fight wi-"

"hey babe..sorry for the waiting" that motherfucking Liam came out of her room giving her a peck on the lips..fucker..

"talk to you out, and don't get into a lot of fights don't have to make another reason so girls could fall for you hahha" she said walking away hand in hand with Liam.. 

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