Chapter 9// Would you like to be my Girlfriend?

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Justin's POV head is going to explode any second now..

why? how did I even get here?..Did I drink yesterday or was it all just a dream?

well I dreamt of looking in Miley's eyes, and it was amazing..

I wish I could just be with talking..just looking at each other and having the same feelings..but I'm just an asshole for her

great, now I'm's the class with Miley I've got to go fast..I sit behind her there and I love seeing her taking notes,even though we don't talk, I just like being around her..even though she thinks the opposite of me but still..maybe I could talk to her today..

I quickly put on my black baggy pants..a white shirt and my golden necklace..and sunglasses cause I'm tired as hell I don't anybody to see me like this..I let my hair stay messy, I just styled it quickly with my fingers..

when I finished I immediately ran to the class..

as I was in the building I ran and searched for the room, not caring about the few Students that were looking at me

room-163 No room-165 No.. room-167 Bingo!

I looked at my watch still 5 minutes..good..I walked in the room..not even knocking on the door, while my I was taking breath unevenly

I immediately looked at Miley's Miley? where is she? I searched the classroom with my eyes and still didn't find her perfect golden-brown hair..

I heared talking but I didn't listen..

the Fuck does this old bitch want from me? wanna know what I want?  I want Miley.. and that's it

".....get out" said the bitch

"the fuck you want from? it's my right to be in the class"I said getting mad, I'm no morning person, especially after a hangover and really not after not finding Miley so..don't get on my nerves bitch..

"you're 55 Minutes late!!! Now get out Mr. Bieber!!" she said pushing me lightly and pointing at the door I was still searching for Miley..she wasn't there? where is she??

"FINE..don't touch me..who knows what you've done with those old hands" I shook myself pushing her hands off me..earning a laugh from the students in the class, xlearly who were bored enough and needed a laugh..well not my job to make them laugh..

"That's it Bieber!! you get 2 hours of detention when you're done with your classes today!!" she said getting pissed..damn chill the fuck down..sheesh 


"yeah finde" I didn't want to argue with her..I want to know where Miley is mayb-

*driiiiiiiing* damn it now the bitches will surround me..

I don't want to do anything anymore..just to hear Miley's voice... and then I finally saw her.. she's not alone..oh no that's right..they were on a date yesterday..and it seems like everything went fine..

  "Damn that Hot Miley girl is now dating Liam " Twist came from the corner noticing where I was looking

"I know" I said trying to look like I don't care..but actually I can't take it anymore!!!!

I was so pissed my fist was so hard I had to take my anger out *baaaam*  I made a hole in the wall where I was leaning on to.. I looked at my was full of the thing that this wall was built off..I brushed them off and I saw..Ashely the main bitch that is in love in me since the first year..perfect.. I noticed that she's standing beside Miley's Locker..more perfect..

You're all that matters to me ~ JileyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora