Chapter 23// Hooka

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 Chapter 23//

Justin’s POV

Well that was really weird yesterday, what was planned: me and Miley want to celebrate. What actually happened: Selena comes and drama happens..
I actually don’t like her that much but I actually don’t hate her...she’s ok I guess

Today is the first day of College after the vacation and I have the motivation of a sloth climbing a tree, yeah, that low...
I woke up, a little bit late than the time I had to wake up at, but oh well, who gives a fuck?
I woke up, took a quick cold shower to wake me up. As I went out I looked at myself in the mirror, no not naked, I had a towel around my waist...not to brag but I really do have a good body! Well, after all the training, I achieved my goal, my dream body, I don’t want too much muscles (that looks disgusting) just the body I have now, it makes girls go crazy, and well, what matters other than pleasing the other Sex?
    well, pleasing myself but it all know the cycle:
Men look good so women would fall for them, women too blind to see that we only want their body, and then we please each other...which is also known by having Sex ...Men leave, Women cry and swear: Never Again... which they clearly always do the opposite of...

I went to my room to choose as I heard a buzz from my phone, I looked and saw a name there that I really didn’t want to see in this know those mornings where you just don’t want to  be bothered by annoying people that basically just ruin your life?
oh sorry my mistake, I mean everyday...not just mornings...
it was the...sperm donator aka Dad...yeah that’s how much he annoys me
I answered and didn’t say anything until he said a “Hello” actually with a happy tone...which I didn’t understand, he always has a bad mood, screams at me, and always tells me that everything I do is wrong...yeah as if he’s a saint, geesh...oh well, there’s a start for anything
“what do you want?” I asked coldly
“won’t you greet me?” he asked his smile seemed to be fading again...bohoo cry me a river...
“no, now speak I have college to attend” I looked into my closet choosing an outfit for the day
“I’m getting married!” he said happily and excited, which is still surprising “what do you think?”
“so? Nothing new, you’re divorced and an adult so you can do whatever the fuck you want” I smirked “now you’re done? I have to go”
“wai-“ and with that I hung up
oh don’t worry, he’s used to it by now...
yeah I actually don’t care if my dad gets’s something he does as normally as buying a new car, he always want the latest with the new features...with that I mean New, young, blond and HUGE boobs...
thank god my Mom left him, she must’ve living in hell for years!
after she divorced him, and got half of what he has (she actually deserves more but those are disadvantages of having a good heart)
She lives now happily with my two younger sibling: Jaxon and  Jazmyn
Jaxon is going to be 5 on the 20 November...and my little Princess: Jazmyn is 6 years...her birthday isn’t until May...I think the 30th? I don’t remember...uh why doesn’t she have a Facebook...I’m just gonna have to ask my mom...

back to the outfit, I took out a black leather trousers, a grey-red shirt and bright red sneakers that blend people who look at them...*insert evil laugh here*
my hair actually looked decent so I didn’t to wear a snapback...
I went out taking by backpack with me, I don’t usually take out the stuff in it so it’s always ready to be taken with...I know I’m smart...
2 periods are over, now to the third one, which is usually the one with Miley on Monday but she changed the course so, I don’t have a lesson with her anymore...Selena changed it immediately after the first lesson we had together so she didn’t sit beside me anymore, it’s some nerd now. I don’t bully him or anything, hell no I’m not a bully! That shit’s for attention.
he actually didn’t look bad (with bad I mean nerdy) but he knew too much so yeah...
“hey” I said, for the first time since he sat beside me which surprised him, I noticed his face expression but I just smiled and sat beside him, I’m trying this new thing...which is being nice to people and meet new ones...cause let’s face it...half of my friends are dicks, leave Za out...
“this is actually the first time I ever heard your voice” he chuckled “and hi”
“yeah well there’s a first time for everything you know” I smirked taking my writing pad and a pen out...
he just smirked...
you’re maybe confused about what am I and the others study, well mister I’ll tell you what we do:
We all study Architecture, you may wonder why I do that well, I am creative if you didn’t notice, and I just like it, imagining what a building would look like, how, where...everything and it’s cool to wear those yellow safety hats in the progress of building! And we study that at the University of California, Los Angeles :UCLA

A/N: I actually do want to study architecture! But that’s not the reason they’re studying, it’s because studying Music is just not the way I imagined them meeting each other so yeah...

This dude next to me is actually cool! He can draw amazingly and he has a lot of creative ideas! He likes the same video games as I and he’s actually really cool!
“oh and did you play the GTA 5 yet?!” he said excitedly
“hell yeah” I yelled “I’m actually near the end of the game but I didn’t finish it cause-“
“Mr. Bieber and Mr. Horan would you care to share with us what you’re yelling so loudly about?” the Prof. said looking really annoyed at us
“oh you wouldn’t know what we’re talking about” I said shrugging as I felt Niall (the nerd) hitting my leg with his foot
I gave him a What! Look and he just pointed at the teacher, which may mean: Stop, he’s angry
Ain’t nobody telling me what to do!
I gave him a look so he just looked at the Professor thinking of a way to not get into trouble...I guess he was never in trouble before
looking at his worried face, I sighed and tried not to be sarcastic and an ass this time
“I’m sorry Prof. Mosby, we’ll try not to talk loudly again” I smiled, fakely...that’ll do it
“oh...thank you Mr. Bieber” he looked surprised at my comment “shall we go on?” he said and continued talking about an old building in Europe, yeah I paid attention!
“you’re welcome for saving your ass” I smirked at Niall looking at the board in front
“thanks” he smiled at me


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