Darkness never looked so good

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            Dealing with the aftermath of Evie's sacrifice Hook picked up the dagger commanding Evie as Dark One to come to him but nothing he tried again but nothing Regina concluded Evie wasn't in this realm. Evie came from within the Dark One's Vault she was feeling strange she heard a whistle she turned around to seeing Rumple she said "You, you're in Storybrooke in a coma" he said "He is but I'm the voice inside your head the Dark One's powers" she said "Great I have crazy voice in my head" he said "Are you ready to begin?" she said "Begin what?" he said "To become the Dark One of course, I'm your guide till you embrace your powers" she said "Let's get one thing clear I won't do that so leave me be" she starts walking off he said "You can't walk away from it" she said "We're in the Enchanted Forest, I'll find Merlin and let him destroy it" he said "Isn't that why you were created for Hope, and yet you died from it and here you are the Dark One I find that ironic don't you" she swallowed her pride she said "I know what you're doing and it won't work goading me into using magic" she walked away. The others greeted the Apprentice Hook said "That monstrosity took Evie where did it go?" he said "She is now where all darkness is born, in your realm" Hook said "Take us there" he said "I'm too weak now, but this will help" he manifested a wand for them he said "In it is all the light magic, it must be wielded as it was made with both sides of the coin the light and the dark" he sighed dropping the wand he was far too weak to say anymore. Regina picked it up but couldn't get it to work Hook said "You heard him both sides, you have done too much good there's still one other" she said "Absolutely not, not my sister" he said "Evie sacrificed herself for you, your own daughter" she said "You know that hurts me so but we can do this without that deranged witch". Evie encountered a peddling merchant she said "Can you direct me to Camelot?" he said "It'll cost you two pieces of silver" she said "I don't have any" he kept upping the amount when she somehow magic choking him she didn't realize she was doing it and stopped the guy ran off in horror she saw Darkness illusion of Rumple she said "Of course you're here" he said "Did you enjoy the first taste of darkness?" she said "I won't do it, I will fight it".

       Trekking through the Enchanted Forest followed by Rumple illusion hearing his remarks she said "You're so dead centered on me using magic why don't you tell me on how to find Merlin?" he said "Imagine a mirrored lake with a tall tree it's branches hanging over it and big blue sky, picture it clearly" she went and did and poof she was there she said "I said no magic" he said "I didn't dearie you did, first magical transportation" she said "You tricked me and I fell for it" he said "Look the will-o- the-wisp it will guide you to Merlin all you have to do is catch it" she went after it. Hook, Robin, and Regina greeted Zelena told her about Evie Zelena said "That's quite a mess but as you can see I can't help because I don't have my magic" she took a look at the wand she said "You need something for it to use for destination, something that belonged to Evie something meaningful to her" Hook said "Can you make work?" she said "Yes but the bracelet is preventing me of it" Regina said "Never" she and Robin walked out Zelena said "Talk to her because I'm the only way to finding Evie". Emma greeted by Hook he said "Seems Zelena is the only way to get Evie back" Emma said "Let me guess Regina said no way" he said "I'm not going to give up on her she wouldn't for anyone of us". Evie chased the wisp and ran into Merida she too was chasing it Evie said "I need that to get rid of the darkness" she said "It's a terrible fate to be cursed, but I need it for my kingdom, my family but I'll fight you for it to be fair" she said "I'm afraid if I do I may hurt and I can't do that so you keep it" she said "How honorable of you, I'm Merida" she said "Evie" she said "I can help you, will-o-the-wisps are born in a magical place The Hill of Stones it's about a day's trek from here, we go together I get my help perhaps you can get your's" she said "Okay". Hook talked Henry into breaking Zelena out to help them that would make Regina furious so they went to do just that except Zelena didn't waste no chance to escape by knocking Hook out.

Light and Dark: Darkness ReignsWhere stories live. Discover now