Wicked Hearts

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            Evie was at Granny's showing the dear souls that they can achieve their unfinished business and move on under her reign she putting it all out there for Hades and his spies to see she was poking the bear alright no more hiding in the shadows fighting fire with fire. Hades of course madder than ever wondered how to get rid of her noticing perhaps returning her to the living maybe a better option if only he hadn't destroyed the Ambrosia tree long ago he could make it happen in an instant. Evie greeted her grandmother Cora she offered her newfound aspect Cora cautioned her she said "This is a dangerous game you're playing my dear, do you know the whole consequences of your actions?". She took her grandmother's hands she said "I realized my unfinished business grandmother and that is to save everyone here and defeat Hades only then will I be at peace, besides Hades knows he can't hurt me he tried and failed the other day you should've seen it him retreating because he was defeated." She said "Evie, the Underworld has changed your personality this isn't you?" she said "Grandmother, I was like this during the 28 year Dark Curse it's what I inherited from my mother and you, how to survive by adapting to one's situation, I've adapted and I'm playing a long game one I'm planning to win". Hades looking at his pages one in particular of the olympian crystal he said "If I had my heart I will kill you Zeus for what you took from me and I will rule all" suddenly a plan came to be his face showed a slight smile a wicked smile he said "If I trick Evie into falling in love with me then her kiss will set me free" he laughed wickedly now he has to set the mood.

          Hades made a reservation at Granny's kicking everyone out for the night he even employed Cruella in decorating something he didn't care to do but for his plan to work he has to woo Evie. Evie on the other hand was sending messages via the storybook to Henry telling him of what has transpired since she last wrote she spoke of helping Liam out of a jam and when she sacrificed herself to save him she found a new power something that caused Hades to bolt he had fear in his eyes she wrote on her mission to help the souls with their unfinished business and find the missing pages on Hades' story because only then will she be able to defeat him and come home. Evie was delivered a note from a minion of Hades it said "she was to join him on a cease fire at Granny's and that she must look her best for what he has to say" she in a short blood red dress

 Evie was delivered a note from a minion of Hades it said "she was to join him on a cease fire at Granny's and that she must look her best for what he has to say" she in a short blood red dress

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and long flowing red cape she came into Granny's where she saw it decorated special it was unnerving sight to be seen she could tell something was amiss so when Hades came in from 

the back she knew he was up to something she said "Hades, got your note so you've surrendered?" he said "For now, come have a drink surely your tasks are restless and tiring" she seeing he was being sincere she said "Fine, one drink nothing else"

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the back she knew he was up to something she said "Hades, got your note so you've surrendered?" he said "For now, come have a drink surely your tasks are restless and tiring" she seeing he was being sincere she said "Fine, one drink nothing else". She sat down across from him at a table he said "Have you tried the food here, it's to die for" making a slight joke giving they're in the Underworld she said "Hades, I hope you know I'm too smart to be seduced by you and this may be all for show but I'm not surrendering when I can win the war" he said "I admire your resilience not to back down one of the reasons why I suggested you be Queen of the Underworld because a mind like that is very powerful". She said "Flattery won't get you nowhere, and your game you're playing won't work on me because we will never replace the love I have for Killian and that love is true, so thanks but no thanks" she got up to leave he said "You think he'll wait for you, you're dead he's not sooner he'll fall for someone else perhaps Emma Swan" she opened the door and walked out.

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