Queen takes King

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          Hades came to Storybrooke prepared to unleash chaos onto the residents starting with the Heroes Team Evie's family. Cora came looking for Evie when she found her lying on the ground

she said "Evie, Evie wake up" nothing she tried listening for a heartbeat it was faint she went to use her magic and healed her Evie's eyes opened and she gulped Cora hugged her she said "Don't ever do that again"

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she said "Evie, Evie wake up" nothing she tried listening for a heartbeat it was faint she went to use her magic and healed her Evie's eyes opened and she gulped Cora hugged her she said "Don't ever do that again". Evie was given water to drink Cora said "Tell me what happened?" she said "I got made, he knew what I was doing and knew I would see it through now he's freed and coming for everyone I love in Storybrooke because that's how he'll hurt my heart, that's how he'll get his revenge" she said "What do you need to do? Other than stopping him? Did you learn anything from him? A way to stop him?" Evie thought about it she said "He wants to kill his brother Zeus, after my family he'll go for him" she said "You must warn them of his arrival and plans" she said "The pages? He has them somewhere in here? I find them maybe it will reveal his weakness and that is something they can use". Hades taking in the fresh air as he prepared to descend onto Storybrooke he couldn't wait to show the group what he had planned for them he also had taken the item that can erase anyone he wishes the Olympian Crystal. Evie materialized the storybook to her she took to writing a message to the others she spoke of Hades has escaped the Underworld and heading for Storybrooke that he's armed and dangerous she and Cora searched for the pages then an idea hit Evie she said "If I want to hide something from everyone yet still have it close by where would I put it?." Cora saw the chair she went to pull a lever opened a secret compartment she said "Clever, but not smarter than me" reading through the pages Evie said "Queen takes King" Cora said "We got him?" she said "Oh we got him, it's up to them to take that son of a devil down for good" her eyes glowed.

          Hades ran into King Arthur who had escaped from the Sheriff Station he pleaded with Hades that he's a King destined for a Broken Kingdom then Hades snaps his neck he said "I too was destined to rule a kingdom" King Arthur wakes up in the Underworld in denial when he walks into Granny's confused when Evie with Cora were there talking she saw him she said "King Arthur?" he said "You" he went to charge her Cora stopped him in his place he said "What?" Evie

          Hades ran into King Arthur who had escaped from the Sheriff Station he pleaded with Hades that he's a King destined for a Broken Kingdom then Hades snaps his neck he said "I too was destined to rule a kingdom" King Arthur wakes up in the...

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 said "This is my grandmother Cora, now who killed you?" he said "He said his name was Hades" Evie said "You caused me so much grief, I have a offer you can't refuse" Cora looked at her trying to figure out what her granddaughter was speaking of. Henry looking through the storybook he saw new pages and a message from Evie he went and showed it to Emma and the others he said "What do we do now?" Emma said "Evie gave us the weakness to Hades, now we finish the battle for her" Hook said "He has no idea who he's messing with". Hades in the Mayor office he found it fitting place to rule he knows Team Heroes know he's here probably thanks to Evie no doubt Regina, Emma, Hook, and Robin went to stopping Hades he said "Really, you four I wouldn't be surprised given how close you lot are to Evie, Regina the mom, Emma the Savior, Robin sort of father-figure, and Hook the pirate that she truly loves she had a plan to defeat me to return to the ones she loves in doing so I tricked her having her forsake love she probably is beyond death" Hook said "You monster" he went to charge he said "Temper, pirate I would love killing you but it wouldn't be killing more like erasing from existence" he took the Olympian Crystal out he said "This isn't going to kill you, it's going to end you no moving on, one minute you exist, and the next, you don't" Emma said "Evie told us about that object already" he said "I bet she did, well who's going to die first you or her mother?". He went to use it on Regina when Robin got between her and him he said "Oh, love isn't that amazing well it's not" he used it on

 him Robin fell down Regina said "ROBIN!" Hades said "Oops, well we now know it's power who's next?" Emma said "You are" Hook went and tackled him down fighting Emma got the Olympian Crystal

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 him Robin fell down Regina said "ROBIN!" Hades said "Oops, well we now know it's power who's next?" Emma said "You are" Hook went and tackled him down fighting Emma got the Olympian Crystal. Hades said "You can't wield that, Savior" she said "Actually I can, and unlike you I aim to protect the people of this town" he said "Like you did with Evie" chuckling she said "Speaking of Evie, she sends a message to you along the lines of Queen takes King, and Checkmate" he said "Playing the Long Game, she was always several moves ahead of me."

Emma said "This is for Evie, this is for Robin and everyone else you screwed over" ramming the crystal into Hades watching him engulfed into ashes with a sliver of Olympian Crystal left behind Emma and Hook went to Regina's side to comfort her nex...

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Emma said "This is for Evie, this is for Robin and everyone else you screwed over" ramming the crystal into Hades watching him engulfed into ashes with a sliver of Olympian Crystal left behind Emma and Hook went to Regina's side to comfort her next to Robin's body.

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