Love knows no bounds

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           Evie went to check up on the making a hero training finding not so much training but wasting time she holding Merida's heart she said "What's taking so long?" in serious tone Merida said "Go ahead crush it already" she said "No, the job isn't finished given a new perspective Rumple would do anything for Belle even fight for her, this is what you will do you will kill Belle" she took her bow and left. Evie had visited Zelena she saw what the nurse had brought her to eat she said "Surely you want to have some onion rings than that disgusting stuff" she said "What do you want?" she said "Let's chat" she swooshed them to her dining room she gave her meal she would enjoy. Zelena said "What is the Dark One want?" she said "I know how resourceful you are and how many enemies you have in town surely we can be partners" she said "You tried to kill me" she said "Fair, you impersonated me and locked me up" she said "I prefer my cell" she said "You will need an ally for what's to come and believe me you will" she swooshed her away. Merida had tracked Belle and Rumple to his shop shooting arrows through the windows breaking glass Rumple knocked Merida back and got Belle out of there without even blinking. Trying to run like a coward Belle went to face Merida who in turn transformed into a bear Rumple couldn't run no more he faced her and used all his might to stop her thus breaking the bear enchantment on her Rumple proved to be brave like Evie wanted. She was greeted by him, Belle, and Merida he wanted Merida's heart returned to her she gave it back to her she said "You're free to go" Belle said "What if he can't pull it from the stone?" Evie snapped back with "Then you will be sweeping his remains from the floor you were his maid once" Rumple pulled Excalibur out Evie smiled wickedly as he, Merida, and Belle left.

          Evie went to forge Excalibur whole with the spark of the Promethus Flame she greeted by Nimue she said "You, hello murderer" she said "Hello Hope who knew you be here as Dark One just by me killing you so long ago" she said "You tried to keep me from doing this" she said "When I thought you were going to destroy the darkness but now you can dowse the light instead the one thing that made you human, we are proud of you, all Dark Ones are" hearing them say "All of us". Evie saw the now whole Excalibur she went to grab it when she flashed back to the moment she was created by Blue "Hope you are light and good it's your job to bring love to the place darkness has taken root only you can shine bright like a shooting star through the darkest nights" she came to she grabbed hold of Excalibur she feeling the power and smiled. Evie finding Emma of no use to her she let her go from the mirror with a friendly warning she said "Despite everything I don't hold it against you for Camelot" she said "Evie, thank you" she walked out. She went after Hook in the woods where he was fighting King Arthur Evie holding Excalibur she kept King Arthur from harming him she said "You're nothing but a tin soldier coward" she went and slung him into a tree Hook said "I guess I should thank you" she said "Don't do that again" he said "I apologize for what I said about not loving you" she said "Doesn't matter I'm the Dark One" he said "You saved me, that's you Evie" she said "What do you want from me?" he said "To help you" she said "Ask Emma, she should be spilling all my dirty secrets to team heroes already" he said "Evie" she said "You want to know why I'm doing this, I'm doing this for you" she left. King Arthur locked up in a jail cell Emma had reached team heroes told them about Merlin freed and how King Arthur was in league with Zelena Regina said "Why did Evie let you go" she said "I was of no use to her, probably because her plans come to fruition tomorrow" Hook said "Evie spoke all this being for me" Regina said "That's the Dark One manipulating you" Emma said "Actually, that's true she is doing it all for you" Snow said "Do you remember what happened in Camelot?" she said "Yes, I think Evie wanted me to for a reason, I have to say everything she has done since has been for changing what happened there in twisted Dark One way." Hook set out to find what really happened between him and Evie in Camelot from Evie while Emma told Regina that Evie's heart is in a box in her shed and that it be best she get's it before anyone else does Regina said "Okay".

          Hook sought Evie out first by jumping off a building she saved him he said "I forgive you for what you're atoning for" she said "I don't need forgiveness" he said "Just come clean, I can take it" she said "You really want to know the truth, no matter how awful?" she said "Follow me". She led him to the telescope in her house he saw the view of the sea he said "Being Dark One has it's perks" she said "You picked this house out for us back in Camelot with Henry's help of course" the newspaper on the table in his handwriting she said "You spoke of this being our future together, everything I've done was to keep that future alive" he said "Now tell me the truth" she presented him the dreamcatcher she said "Here take a look for yourself find me when you're through" she walked outside. Emma filled them in on why Evie is heartless she became Dark One by choosing love and gave up her heart because the pain was so much to bare Regina said "What pain?" Emma said "Hook was dying and to save him she tethered him to Excalibur thus giving into darkness, she couldn't lose him she was afraid that she would become just like you Regina". Snow said "That's why she's been so adamant about everything first don't trust King Arthur" Emma said "King Arthur used Excalibur and cut Hook any cut by Excalibur would render immortality useless" David said "So Evie went dark because a life without Hook was unbearable, why didn't she come to us, why take our memories?" Emma said "She thought she could handle it but if Hook remembers then we are all in trouble" Regina said "There are two Dark Ones, how is Hook dangerous?" wondering as if Evie wasn't dangerous already Emma said "Evie wants to destroy the darkness because Nimue killed her as Hope it's more like finishing the mission from long ago but Hook would stop her he's the one that killed Merlin via Nimue and he's one that wants to destroy the light forever" Regina said "Let's go to Evie". Evie greeted by Snow, David, Emma, and Regina she said "Let me guess Emma spilled my secrets but you're too late" Regina said "Evie why did you not trust us" she said "Trust, coming from all of you that's rich I did what's necessary" she turned around and walked inside Hook looked at her in a different way he said "There has to be an explanation" she gave him Excalibur she said "Now we can move forward with our plans" he said "What plans?" she said "You set them in motion in Camelot why else we ended up here in Storybrooke" he saw his name on Excalibur he said "So I wasn't in any real danger you should've told me the truth instead playing games" she said "I did what you wanted me to do" he said "So much for our future, Evie" she said "We can still have a future, I'll show you".

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