Courting Death

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            Evie wrote another message directed to Killian wondering if he would ever move on from her? or is she just a void in his heart that he can't fill? these questions were raised to her by Hades as she waited for a response she went to do some help with the lost souls she wondered if a life without Killian would be the ultimate sacrifice or should she give up her useless tasks and become Hades' girl she really hated that idea it rubbed her the wrong way even the notion of it disgusted her. Evie was dealing with Sheriff James David's twin brother he wanted his girlfriend Cruella to be mayor again she said "You can't make me do a thing" he said "Really, I know my brother is family of your's surely you have family here your grandmother perhaps" she said "Threatening my family won't achieve anything?" he said "No, but should make you rethink your choice". Evie ignored his threat she was out for a stroll in the forest where she saw a picnic on the ground Hades was eating something he said "Evie, coincidence on seeing you out here?" she said "Your spies know I take strolls in the forest, it clears my head" he said "Admit it you keep running into me a lot means that you enjoy our rendezvous?" she said "Your tricks won't work on me" she walked away but not knowing Sheriff James watched the exchange and when she wasn't focusing on anything else he grabbed her by knocking her out. Evie awakened to chained up she said "How dare you?" he said "No, I believe I'm in charge for once" she said "Your brother is a kind heroic soul while you're nothing but a selfish arrogant slob that only cares about himself." He said "I thought the expression is be kind to your kidnappers because they may do unspeakable things to you like throw you into the River of Lost Soul" she said "You wouldn't dare?" he went up to her he said "I would, see I saw your exchange with Lord Hades he has a thing for you that you clearly have rejected over and over as my Cruella tells me I think he would do anything for you in hopes you safe him from his curse of a stopped heart" she said "I would never help that fiend" he said "We shall see, we shall see".

            Sheriff James left a note for Hades stating he has Evie and if he truly cares for her to meet him at the impasse where River of Lost Souls runs to see her meet her end she was propped up on a hook dangling over River of Lost Souls she said "Your plan will fail once I free myself" he said "Don't count on that" he looked at his pocket watch he went to drop her in when Hades 

walked in proving to Sheriff James that he cares for Evie he said "I'm here, release her" he said "I want you to see that you have a weakness and that it can be exploited as well, so watch the newest Queen become a Lost Soul" he dropped her while ...

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walked in proving to Sheriff James that he cares for Evie he said "I'm here, release her" he said "I want you to see that you have a weakness and that it can be exploited as well, so watch the newest Queen become a Lost Soul" he dropped her while Hades swooshed her aside from the River of Lost Soul Sheriff James came at him when Hades swooshed him into the River he said "You shouldn't messed with me" he removed the chains from her and left. Evie had greeted Hades in his lair he was listening to violin music she said "Thank you for saving my life from that wretched man" he said "I don't think I heard you right? Can you repeat?" she walked up to him 

and said "Thank you for saving my life, your intentions were true given everything of late" he rose from his chair he said "Well, I meant what I said it be eternity before you see him again and he probably would move on while you could as well, I'...

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and said "Thank you for saving my life, your intentions were true given everything of late" he rose from his chair he said "Well, I meant what I said it be eternity before you see him again and he probably would move on while you could as well, I'm not actually proposing right this second but in time I would be a good match for you, I would love you unconditionally" she said "I'll take it under consideration" he said "Let me prove to you that I can be a real gentleman" she said "How so?" he said "I'll help you with the souls unfinished business" she said "I want to trust you but I...." he said "I'll show you Evie". Evie reading from the storybook she hoping for an answer but nothing she went to sleep while a message from Killian appeared but she didn't get to read it when it vanished and appeared to Hades he read "I will never move on from you Evie, our love is true and can withstand time don't let Hades cloud your mind by taking away your hope" Hades said "I'll show you, pirate she'll be mine".

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