All for Love

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             Evie awakened to a hard floor she said "Where am I?" she saw a girl across from her she said "Who are you?" she said "Megara" she said "Where are we?" she said "Underground, he wants us to stay here" she said "No, we have to leave now" she said "Not with that beast out there we're safe here" she said "My family is here to save me perhaps can save you as well" she said "How do you know they are here?" she said "I got their message and I don't plan on being here as a prisoner when I can fight to survive" she said "You can't just leave it will hunt you down" she said "You mean a three-headed dog Cerberus?" she said "You know of it?" she said "Stories, but we're leaving together so come on". She helped her up they took off running they heard the growl of Cerberus coming behind them she said "Good plan, but we can't outrun it" she said "No, that's why you're running keep running till you find Emma Swan she's a friend tell her you were with Evie Mills and that she's alive and a survivor now go" she went running. Evie was greeted by Cerberus it's red glowing eyes she stood firm but it vanished to reveal Hades he said "I admire, your thinking skills putting her life ahead of your's" she said "They will find me" he said "They will fail" she said "I've read stories about you and even saw a movie about you" he said "Let me guess I'm a villain" she said "You always got the bad hand in it overshadowed but what happened to you here this isn't how things should run" he walked up to her he said "Take it from a person who has no love in his heart and only emotion he has is anger then you know me" she said "What are you going to do to me?" he said "You nothing, your family and friends that is an entire other subject that poor girl you sent running she'll lead my pet straight to them" she said "No" she fell down crying he said "Don't worry, they won't die yet". Emma and Regina find Megara she told them she was to find Emma Swan Emma said "I am she, who are you?" she said "Names Megara Evie Mills sent me to find you to tell you she's alive and a survivor" Regina said "My daughter is alive?" Emma said "That's good news" Megara said "She made sure I got to safety while she's prisoner and enduring a three-headed beast they heard a growl she said "It must have lost her it's coming for me" Emma said "We have to get out of here" Emma swooshed the three of them gone to her parent's apartment she sit Megara down she said "Where's Evie?" she said "In an underground prison, I escaped through tunnels led to a cave somewhere in the woods where you two found me" Regina said "Evie is in a prison" Emma said "Can you show us where?" she said "Yes, but it's guarded by a three-headed beast nothing can defeat it" Snow and David walked in she said "That's not true, I know what it is and how to defeat it".

         Evie holed up in her cell she left a message for the rest when she was taken by Hades' minions she said "What do you want?" as she stood there ever breathtaking he said "I have a offer you might like it" she said "I don't make deals when the person is threatening my family" he said "It is for your family, I can save them send them home only if you agree to be my Queen and rule beside me of this place" she said "Never". He said "You say you read stories of me, how did it work for those who were of beauty?" she said "You mean Persephone?" he said "Let's just say you're her" she said "You tricked her in that story but I'm too smart to fall for that" he said "Think about it Evie, as Queen you be immortal and your enemies be here where I'll torture them over and over" she said "Mortality, you think is a way to my heart you don't know me" she walked off. Hades greets unwanted guests in the tunnels he said "Don't worry about my pet" Emma said "Who are you?" Hercules said "My uncle" Regina said "Hades?" he said "Don't act surprised, you think your mommy was in charge of this place?". Regina said "Where's my daughter?" he said "Evie, she's thinking about my offer on saving her family" she said "Whatever you offered her she won't take it" he said "You say that, but everyone has a price that they don't want to make in her case seeing her family die isn't an option." Emma said "Enough tricks, where's Evie?" he said "That makes you Emma, the Savior I have a message from Evie hoping you could give it to her pirate" he handed a chain with a ring on it to her Emma said "Hook's ring" he said "Sign of life I guess, tell the pirate to move on because she's not going anywhere" he left. 

         Hook with David when the others returned Emma gave him the chain and ring he said "Evie" she said "Hades has her prisoner and in a twisted way trying to make her forget us" he said "I'll kill him" David said "That won't save Evie" he said "She's here because of me, because I couldn't be the hero she wanted me to be" David said "She sacrificed herself because she loves you Hook no doubt in that". Evie in a makeshift room Hades concocted for her something glitzy and elegant she knew not to give in to his demands, not to be tricked she said "Only I can save myself, I'm a Savior and that's what Saviors do" she went to leave. Defeating Cerberus Hercules and Megara were allowed to leave for a better place Megara said "Tell Evie I did the right thing? That she was right to trust me?" Emma said "I will, thank you" they walked off into the bright light. She came to a halt when she heard a clock tick she heard Hades say "The prisoner you aided in escape she moved on from this realm" she said "Good for her". He walked up to her he caressed her face she grabbed his hand he said "I wanted your family to leave but they managed to save souls so for every soul your family free, one of them is going to have to stay" she said "I'm not dooming my family here find someone else to do your bidding" he said "Already possessing the fire of a true Queen" she said "I will never be your Queen, read my lips never" he said "How about you think it over some more my dear".

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