Stop Rumple

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           Located Rumple in a hotel Evie with her mom and Emma bout to storm the place when Emma had received a text from Granny that her parents, Hook, and Zelena fell through a portal Regina said "Again? To where?" Emma said "Don't know, just they never came back" Evie said "Now, I've died to come back I won't lose Killian". They went inside Regina went first to stall Rumple while Emma and Evie held back they listen in on the conversation between Regina and Rumple. Emma sneaked in looking for the Olympian Crystal and found it till Rumple manifest it to his hands he said "Have a drink Miss Swan" she walked inside he said "I wonder where Evie is given the two of you are here?" Regina said "Probably with Henry given how you knocked him unconscious back there" he picked up a strand of hair to track Zelena to get Belle back from the other land he said "I have no need for either of you". As he began to harm the two of them when Evie appeared glowing she said "Think again Dark One" he said "How?" she said "I'm more powerful than you" he said "You're a god" she said "Goddess" he said "Well no matter" he went to throw a fireball when Henry used the dark Holy Grail sucking it up and the magic from the crystal destroying it for good blasting them back Emma said "What did you do Henry?" he said "I destroyed magic" Evie said "Killian" as she felt him Emma went to rubbing Evie's arms Rumple said "You doomed Belle, not to mention your family who are now trapped in the same realm with her" he said "What?" Regina said "David, Snow, Hook and Zelena are in another realm right now" Henry said "This isn't on me it's on you" and stormed off Violet went after him.

          Evie was listening to Emma and Regina bicker with Rumple over destroyed magic Evie concentrating she said "I know someone who can help" Emma said "Who?" she said "The Dragon" Emma said "August said he was dead" Evie said "Then he isn't, come I know where he is and you're coming to Dark One". All together with the Dragon looking for a way to save the others he showed them but he didn't have enough power to save them he said "I've done all I can but you haven't, all of you can find magic to save them, given your new title you're the bearer of that" Evie said "Fate is sure funny thing, I know what to do". She took them to the fountain she said "Each coin is a wish someone made here by believing and that's what we're going to do" Rumple said "Saying you believe doesn't mean it'll work" Henry said "That's exactly what it means grandpa" Evie said "Portal has to have power, getting everyone to believe is a powerful thing and Henry you're good at that rallying everyone to do what's right". He went to gather everyone around to do it while David, Snow, Hook, Zelena and Mr. Jekyll saw a portal opening up and coins falling when they were confronted by Mr. Hyde Henry was getting the people to believe and it paid off when the group appeared the people thought it wasn't real but in that moment they wished for it to be Evie could feel the power. Rumple had greeted Mr. Hyde to retrieve Belle and turning over the keys of Storybrooke to Mr. Hyde believing he could make use of it for awhile Emma hugged her parents and they headed back to Storybrooke. Evie and Hook stood in the streets of Storybrooke contemplating what the future may hold she said "Given our ups and downs I want to say this, I love you Killian now and forever more" he smiled

 Evie and Hook stood in the streets of Storybrooke contemplating what the future may hold she said "Given our ups and downs I want to say this, I love you Killian now and forever more" he smiled

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and then proceeded to kiss her. Henry with Regina untethering Storybrooke magic from the Olympian Crystal and they met Mr. Hyde he had big plans for Storybrooke and it's citizens and brought some friends Regina said "I know how your story ends and you will lose" he said "We'll see, what's dangerous when a lost and forgotten story plays out" as he walked away.

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