Chapter 7: Crazy Gio

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Giovanni's Pov

"This movie better be good" I sighed as we took our tickets and went into the theater.

"It will be. I read the reviews and everyone seemed to enjoy it" Derek said as we went to the snack counter.

"Hello what can I get you guys?" the girl said smiling.

"Um can we have a bucket of popcorn with extra butter, two large Sprites, a box of Mike&Ike's, Reese Pieces and Sour Patch kids" he spoke.

"Alright and will that be all I can get for you sir?" she questioned leaning forward a bit so, her cleavage was showing.

"Yes that will be all" I said glaring at her.

"Um okay your total is $17.38" the girl mumbled blushing.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back" I told him.

"Alright, I'll wait for you here" Derek said.

I nodded before heading to the restroom. When I walked in I went over to the sink and turned on the water. Splashing it on my face I tried to calm down.

I was still stuck on the fact that I might become pregnant and it was stressful because I didn't know how Derek would react. I could only hope for the best.

"Pull yourself together" I mumbled to myself as I dried my face with a paper towel. I decided to just push all my thoughts to the back of my mind and enjoy the quality time Derek and I were having today.

Leaving the bathroom I started back to my husband and when my eyes caught sight of him, I could feel my blood boil. He was standing to the side of the food counter looking at his phone but, the part that pissed me off was all the girls surrounding and touching my man.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked stopping in front of them. The women turned around and looked at me. If even possible the lust in their eyes doubled.

"Hello, me and my friends were just talking to your friend" a short one with red hair said. She had her hand on his bicep. The one that belonged to me.

"Gio-" Derek started but, I just ignored him.

"He isn't my friend. He's my husband and I'd appreciate it if you remove you nasty ass hands off of him. Then you and all your thirsty ass friends can leave" I snapped.

"Your kidding right? Your not gay" she scoffed.

"Didn't I tell you to remove your hand" I growled.

"What are you gonna do? Obviously your husband was enjoying our company or else he would of asked us to leave" she laughed.

I balled up my fist ready to punch her in the throat. I've never put my hands on a female but, there was always a first for everything.

"You guys need to go. Now" Derek told them seeing how angry I was.

"Whatever. It's a shame all that sexiness just wasted" she mumbled walking away.

"Baby calm down" he sighed grabbing my hands.

"I am calm. Why didn't you tell them you weren't interested?" I asked glaring at him.

"I did but, they didn't listen. I don't want anyone else except you, okay. You have no reason to be jealous" he spoke grinning.

"Whatever. People need to know that you belong to me and that's never going to change" I mumbled gripping his hand.

"Okay, so can crazy Gio go back into his cave. I love him but, I really don't feel like dealing with the police" he laughed.

"Fuck you. Let's just go enjoy our movie" I said smiling.

I helped him grab our food as we headed into the showing room. The movie was really good and I could tell Derek thought the same. He didn't remove his eyes from the screen at all.

"That was nice" I said as we left the theater.

"Nice? That movie was crazy. You wanna go and get something to eat?" he spoke smiling.

"Yeah. Let's go to Applebee's. I want some chicken wings" I told him as we got in the car.

We drove to the restaurant occasionally talking about the movie. When we arrived Derek and I got out and went in. We took a seat at one of the booths and waited for our waiter.

"Hey baby order for me. I'll be right back" Derek said standing up.

I nodded and watched as he went over to the bar. I was confused until I saw him talking to a woman. He seemed nervous as he looked at her but, he was smiling. Then she got up and hugged him. When he was on his way back I glared at him the whole way until he took his seat.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Gio her name is Rosita and she's just a friend, nothing else" he chuckled but, I wasn't fucking laughing.

"Well tell your friend to keep her hands to herself, okay" I mumbled.

"Your jealously is really cute" Derek said smirking.

"Whatever. It won't be so cute when I run a bitch over with a car" I told him and he started laughing.

Derek always thought I was playing but, I wasn't. There was a reason Chanelle called me crazy. If he kept messing with me he was going to see it first hand.


Updated!!! Okay so this was a filler. I'm trying to figure out the right time to show you guys everything. Next chapter your going to get something big. What do you guys think about Gio's jealously? Who's Rosita?




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