Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time

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Derek's Pov

I was a mess. On the outside I seemed calm but, the truth is I'm scared. I'm on the brink of life and death and it's becoming clearer that I may not survive this. I want to believe everything will be fine but, it's hard when its all falling apart in front of my eyes. From this cancer to Gio filing for legal seperation, it's all starting to take a toll on me.

The past three days I've been thinking about my mother and how she had went through the same thing. With each passing day she would slip further out of our grasp. I watched her as she slowly left this world. My father was never the same after that, neither of us were. That day a piece of our hearts was lost forever.

"What are you thinking about?" Gio asked looking at me.

We were in bed but, I was sitting up and he was laying down

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We were in bed but, I was sitting up and he was laying down. I was happy that he stayed but, I didn't want to think more of it. Even after what he said yesterday I still felt like this wasn't real. If there was one thing I was sure of it was Giovanni. He never forgave easily and could hold a damn grudge if he wanted to.

Knowing that, I knew he hadn't really forgotten about the cheating incident. He was just feeling some type of way because of my cancer. I wanted him here by my side but, I didn't want it to be like this.

"My parents" I replied getting out the bed. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my head. I felt kind of naked without my dreads.

"You do know you have to tell your dad now" he sighed sitting up

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"You do know you have to tell your dad now" he sighed sitting up. I ignored him and went over to my phone by the nightstand. When I turned it on I saw phone calls and messages from everyone wondering where I was.

"Derek, you have to tell him. Your going into surgery and he'll want to want to be there with you" Gio murmured.

"I know and I'm going to tell him" I sighed.

"Good. I'll be there too. You don't have to do this alone Derek. Okay?" he whispered crawling over to me and placing his inked hands on my arms.

Glancing down at his face I saw that he was sincere but, that nagging voice in the back of my head kept reminding me of everything we've been going through these past weeks. It wouldn't shut up and and I'm not sure I wanted it to.

"Maybe you should go. I'm sure you need to go open the resturaunt or something " I mumbled pushing his hands off and stepping back.

"Alberto can do it. What the hell is going on?" he questioned standing up.

"Nothing. How is the baby?" I spoke changing the subject.

"The baby is fine Derek" he said.

"Good. I'm glad it's okay. Um, I'm going to go take a shower so, you can get all the stuff you need" I told him before entering the bathroom.

I turned on the water and set it to my desired temp. Before I got in, I quickly brushed my teeth and took another look at my reflection. I didn't recognized the man looking back at me. He was weak and 2 seconds from knocking on deaths door.

"You still look sexy" Gio breathed coming into my view.

"I thought you left" I hummed turning around.

"I'm staying by your side Derek and truthfully I never should of left. You hurt me, yes, and just because your sick doesn't me an you get a free pass but, I should of never jumped to a divorce like that. We need to work out our problems but, first we have to deal with this. So, I'm going to stand by your side as your husband and the man that loves you more than anything. Then when you overcome this we can discuss everything, okay" he told me.

"Fine" I responded.

"Good and your ass better not ever ignore me again or we gonna have more problems" he said pulling me close by my hips.

"Please I'm not scared of you baby" I replied smiling.

"You should be" he spoke under his breath as he took my hand and led me to the shower. We removed our boxer briefs and got in. Gio looked sexy with the water caressing down his naked body, even with his little baby bump.

 Gio looked sexy with the water caressing down his naked body, even with his little baby bump

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"It's been awhile" I hissed as he began placing kisses all over my chest.

"Time to make up for lost time them" he breathed causing me to smile.


So, they're working everything out but, now there focusing on Derek's sickness. Do think he will beat the cancer? Next Derek tells his father and Gio has a run in with Carson? Can't wait. What do you think might happen?




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