24. Not Again

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"Guys, it's been an hour now, have you heard anything from Tori?" Barry asks, now starting to get nervous about his pregnant girlfriend

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"Guys, it's been an hour now, have you heard anything from Tori?" Barry asks, now starting to get nervous about his pregnant girlfriend.

Caitlin checks her phone before shaking her head, Cisco and Harry still out of the cortex doing whatever the heck they do while Jay sat beside Caitlin, shaking his head along with her.

Barry walks towards his suit as Cisco runs in.

"Mercury Labs! Under Attack!" He yells and Barry is quick to change into his suit and run to Mercury Labs.

Once he gets there, he sees Christina McGee isolated as her bodyguards were unconscious on the floor and a surprising guest standing a few yards in front of them.

"Eobard Thawne?" Barry asks in disbelief.

"You know who I am?" Eobard asks in return, stopping his vibrating to reveal to Barry that he is, in fact, Eobard Thawne.

"You died"

"Good to know" he smirks at Barry, "and guess what, Flash. I know what time period you're from which means you and your beloved partner will very well soon die. Perhaps, her before you" and with an evil look and Barry standing still in shock at the information he just gathered, Eobard runs and takes Dr. McGee with him.


"So you're telling me Eobard Thawne is back? The same Eobard Thawne who pretended to be Harrison Wells and the one who Eddie killed by shooting himself?" Joe asks as Barry leaned against the counter, his head in his hand and a sad look on his face.

"Are you okay Barry?" Brooke, who entered a few minutes after Barry returned, asks, seeing her friend looking distressed.

He looks up and sighs before shaking his head.

"He has Tori. Again" Barry shakes his head, rubbing his face, "he always hurts her. He always takes her away from me. What is he going to do now?" He starts voicing his thoughts.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a lot stronger now-"

"There's a lot more to lose now, Caitlin" Barry cuts her off, walking away from the table as he thought about his family.

"Wait, but Eddie Thawne died. So Eobard Thawne should've been erased from existence, right?" Joe continues trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

"Not necessarily" Harry speaks up and continues on, explaining his theory that I don't want to type out but basically saying that Thawne was being protected in the Speed Force and also this is the future Thawne who hasn't traveled back in time yet yada yada y'all know what I'm talking about.

"Wait, Barry. What do you mean 'there's a lot more to lose now'?" Caitlin interrupts, grabbing everyone's attention and Barry sighs.

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