Basic Training and Misconceptions

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Update: 2021.08.20 

Let me go. . .


Let me go. 


Let me go!



"Shh. . . it's alright, my beautiful little sprout. . . MOMMY'S HERE."

You shrieked, eyes flying open as you shot up in bed and aimed the ACP you'd swiped from your nightstand into the pitch black bedroom. Beads of sweat were dripping down your face as your chest heaved, your mind buzzing with images from your previous nightmare.

After a few moments, you heaved out a sigh, holding your face in one of your hands as you lowered the ACP to your side.

"It's fine. . ." you muttered to yourself, digging the palm of your hand into your tired eyes. You placed the ACP back onto the nightstand and laid back in bed, though you weren't able to fall asleep again. The things flooding your mind refused to let you close your eyes, and you eventually resided to staring at the ceiling of the dark bedroom. It wasn't long, though, before a knock sounded at the door, and you sat back up, running a hand through your sweat-damp hair.

"Who is it?" you called. The bedroom door opened up to reveal Roy standing in the dimly lit doorway, wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants.

"That wasn't an invitation to come in, you know," you muttered, throwing off the covers and standing from your bed. "What do you want?"

"It's time to get started, partner," Roy replied. You glanced over at your phone on the nightstand.

"It's 4:30 in the morning!" you hissed. 

"Didn't I say this wasn't going to be easy?" Roy chided, shaking his head. "I'm dead serious about this stuff. Now, get dressed in something loose you can practice in. I'll be waiting downstairs." Before you could get another word in, Roy disappeared down the hall, leaving you alone in your eerie bedroom. You didn't move from your spot beside the bed, taking a few moments to debate on whether or not you should just climb back into bed and ignore Roy. After contemplating your discussion from last night, you finally gave in and slumped over to your dresser for a change of clothes. 

You were in the foyer ten minutes later, sweatpants-and-tank-top-clad, teeth brushed, and hair pulled up into a messy ponytail on the top of your head. You could hear Roy's voice coming from around the corner, and you wandered through the living room to the kitchen where you found Roy talking to himself while staring at the toaster sitting in front of him on the counter. 

". . . idiot; so annoying. . . "

". . . ignorant little girl. . . "

". . . can't even defend herself. . . "

". . . could start with. . . and a combination of. . . "

". . . can't go too hard on her. . . "

". . . don't want her to get hurt. . ." 

Head in the game, (Y/N), you scolded yourself, shaking your head. Today's the first day of real 'superhero training'. 

"So, what's on the agenda for Day One, professor?" you asked, causing Roy to jump and drive his knee into the cabinets in front of him. You did your best to stifle a laugh as Roy puffed his cheeks, letting out a soft grunt as he banged his fist against the countertop a few times. 

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