Chapter 10

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Hello! I think I updated at around 4/5 days ago, which is too long for me! So here's the next chapter, you're all probably worried/excited to see the drama coming up!

Leather Face and his chainsaw.

His chainsaw.


A lump quickly formed in my throat as I was struck dumb. The fear washed over me like the sea does on the sand - but my fear was more intense than anything anyone has ever experienced.

My family were they first things on my mind. My mum. She'd be doing the ironing or doing shopping in town. My dad. He'd be watching a football match. My sister? She'd be missing me terribly, we did everything together.

And I'll probably never come back again.

I imagine the tears welling up in their sad eyes. I imagine the pain, smashing their heart's to pieces. I imagine their sadness lasting forever, always bringing them down or making them feel guilty when they smile.

And I just can't do that to them. They mean more than the world to me.

Leather Face is killing my future. He's going to kill us all. He's going to ruin my family's lives.

He's not doing that.

A sudden surge of anger starts to control my body, lunging my body forwards. My legs move into a sprint, while everyone else is screaming my name and hiding.

His chainsaw is on full blast, the jagged blade spinning faster than anything. There are blood stains... Writing a word.

A name?


"Y-you've killed Chloe? You did do it, didn't you?" I barely breath. He nods, thrusting the sharp edges into my face. My head jerks back, just managing to dodge it. Although I do get a splash of clammy blood on my face.

The Head has the guts to pull my arm and yank me away from him, shouting at how dangerous my actions were. But I ignore every word, simply thinking of revenge for killing Chloe.

An idea comes into my head, but I realise how hard it would be to complete. I'm terrified, worried, confused and extremely homesick, the worst mix of emotions when a psycho serial killer is on the run.

Every step I take my legs wobble. Every breath I take my voice quivers. Every sound I make the sound is a squeak. My stomach is churning inside and I'm desperate to escape.

Unexpectedly, a hand is pulling down on my hair. The Head loses grip on my hand and runs off not knowing I'm not following anymore. I hysterically scream her name, but my voice is a squeal and hardly a whisper.

I whip my head around to see Vicki pulling me back.

"Come on, we've gotta get inside!"

"Why the f*** would we do that? We'd be trapped! There's gotta be another place to hide. In the woods, he'll never find us. Run quick, I don't know where he is!"

We sprint towards the woods, running deeper and deeper. Soon, we come across a hole in a tree which looks big enough for both of us, and well hidden.

Trying not to make a noise, we creep into the hole and shuffle around until we're remotely comfortable. Using leaves from the floor, we try our best to fill the hole but not making it clear someone's inside.

"When are we gonna know when he's gone? What if nobody finds us and we're stuck with him?" Vicki whispers.

"They can't leave us behind. Don't worry, we'll hear if they come out and then we can simply join them," I reply.

She nods her head but shivers all the same, so I use my only jacket to warm her. Butterflies are swooping in my stomach, worse than ever before.

My eyes droop after a long time and eventually I fall asleep.


"Em, wake up!" Vicki whispers, nudging me. I wake all of a sudden and glare at her. Until I too hear the voices of other students.

"Come on, he's gone!"

We escape the cramped hole and walk to where the voices are. Our steps crunch every leaf in our way, snapping every twig and branch.

But then a rope is wrapped around my waist and tape stuck securely over my mouth, stifling my screams. My neck turns to face Vicki who is being beaten ruthlessly, blood pouring from her mouth.

"MM HMMM MMM!!" I mumble my loudest, backing away from the body. I'm grabbed hold of by harsh hands and turned towards the opening gates.

Every single student, including the teachers, are tied up like me and are looking cut and bruised. Their groans sound like they're being tortured.

My eyes widen but I'm shoved to the group, as Leather Face stands before me, holding a large, heavy object.


Wow. Another cliff hanger! I do hope you enjoyed this, please leave a comment on what you thought about this chapter, and vote if you enjoyed it!

So please vote, comment and follow for a follow!

THANX!!! XD ;)

(PS I just remembered! Thanx so so so much for the reads, votes & comments! I truly appreciate it! :P)

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