27: Déjà Vu

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I take it all back. All of it.
I wish I could go back to those conversations.

He can't be dead.
It's Jawn.
He can't be gone. He can't.
Start saying dumb stuff again. You're not dead.
You're not.

You were just painting. That's what all of this is, red paint.
Come on buddy wake up.
I stand in the doorway as Geoff and Otto both rush to Jawn's side. Geoff takes his pulse while Otto attempts to stop the paint from splattering all over the floor.

One of them yells, I can't tell who, weird.
"Call 911!"
One of them shouts again I still can't tell who it was.

Why would we need 911? He just past out after a long night of drinking.

That's why I don't drink.
You pass out while you're paining.

"Awsten help!" They scream again. What do I need to help with, we should just leave him there until he wakes up.

He'll wake up soon. I know he will.
The weird sound of buttons on a phone rings through my ear again the sound only goes off three times.

"Hello!? Yes we have an emergency! We found our friend bleeding out with several bullet wounds! We're at 273 PlumIsland road, Come quick, please come quick!"

The other side of the phone mumbles something why do all of their voices sound the same?



"Is it true?"
I hear the voice come in from the other end of the phone.
"Did it really...happen to Geoff?"

I don't want to respond.
I don't want to say these words out loud.

"Y-yeah i-it d-did."

Jawn sighs into the phone I hear the steadiness in his voice start to shake.
"Jawn it doesn't look good, y-you s-should probably c-come s-soon."

Now I can hear his sobs. "Not Geoff, he was too good for this."

"He was too good."

"What is happening now? What condition?"
I can't handle his cries. I can't handle this.

"He's in a induced coma right now. We don't know what's going to happen. Just come Jawn, just come and say goodbye. We don't know if it is going to come to that but he would want to say goodbye."

Of course now I'm crying. This is bullshit.
I hate this.

For once I wish I could see Jawn's rat face.
I will never admit to that but he needs to be here.
We can't do this alone.
We can't.

"I'm coming."


  Why did that memory have to show up to tell me that Jawn isn't drowning in paint.
Am I crazy or something? My friend is dying and I thought it was red paint.
Red paint.

I finially unfreeze from my spot in the door and rush to Jawn's side right next to Geoff and Otto.

I've never had déjà vu so bad it's eating me up.

This reminds me of that day four years ago.
I froze up then too. Geoff came back then though.

Maybe Jawn will come back too.

I finially take the courage to look at his face . There's a few spots of blood where the bullet wounds splattered. His eyes are open.

"It's going to be okay."
I hold his limp hand, I can still feel his pulse. Its slow, too slow.

"You're going to be okay."
It's getting slower.

"You are too good too, you know that don't die on us."

"You're too good Jawn."

I can hear the ambulance sirens in the distance, Jawn's eyes start to roll into the back of his head. Don't do that buddy.

"Too good"

The pulse stops.

Come back too.

A/N This story is almost finished only a few chapters are left I want to thank kellallyourfriends ,dark-humor and RosieFromHufflepuff for commenting and voting! The comments and feedback motivated me to continue on with the book. I hope you have all have enjoyed it so far!

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