30: In The End, pt.1

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All in all in the end I'm sitting in this hospital room scared.
My emotions went from as blue as can be to scared out of my mind.

I haven't seen Geoff or Otto since after what happened and that's not helping anything. I need my gloom boys.

The coughing continues it doesn't stop, I realize why Geoff had screamed so much.

I might scream too.
I thought I could stay strong but they're not here.
I need them.

An awful itching sensation runs through my arm. It hurts so bad. If there was words to describe the feeling of your skin peeling of your body I don't know them.

The best way is to describe it is a thousand nails scratching my skin off. It's dry, no blood.

I wish I could explain it.
Only Geoff would understand.

He acted like it didn't feel like anything every time. He acted like he felt nothing.
He was probably in agony every time.

I don't think I can be as strong as him.

His weakness made him beautiful, I'm only becoming ugly.

And ugly liar. That fact will never change I lied to him and now I'm laying here.

At least he isn't the one who will fade away now. That's all that matters at this point.
I drift asleep. For once I don't dream.
It's just dark.

Nothing besides the pain of fading away.

I can still hear the heart monitor as I sleep,  it's faultering beat, I listen to it and somehow become calm. The fear flies away.

I realize it's not worth the struggle when I won't end up existing soon enough.

And again as fast as emotions could possibly change I'm back to being blue.

The hours went by like days, the minutes like hours, the seconds, minutes. Time moving slow waiting for Geoff. It finally went back to normal speed once I saw his beautiful face.
Well half of it. The familiar face mask covers his mouth the same mask that once covered mine.

I find myself unable to speak choking on my words.

Instead I cough this nasty cough.

To my relief he slides off the nasty mask.
Geoff's happy face turned sad because of me. He never looked sad when it was him in my position.
I need to talk to him.

But I'm scared of what words I choose to say. Because every word takes me closer to my last before I fade away. Before I leave Geoff forever.

"H-how m-m-mu." Coughing up my words again.

"Ho-w-w m-m-much much d-d-did."

"How much did it hurt."

He gives me a sad look and starts to tear up. He's in my place now. He is where I stood when it was him.

"Don't leave me." He cries, not responding to my question.

"Don't leave."

My skin flies into the air unlike Geoff's purple- red color mine is a green-blue as it fades away to nothing. I wonder if he thinks it's as beautiful as I thought his was?

He cries louder grabbing onto my hand resting his head on my lap.

I can tell it's going fast.

"We were so close." He bawls I can't stand him being like this. Be the enthusiastic boy I know.

Stop crying over me.

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