4. That's Close Enough

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Marc jr.
She's been keeping her distance from me ever since that night. I don't blame her, nor do I judge her. I'd finally figured something out in regards to my P.A. I liked her. I'm not talking about wanting to sleep with her. I liked her feisty attitude. I like the fact that she never allows me to walk over her. I like that she pretty much takes care of my life and allows me to focus on my empire. I like that she tells me exactly how she feels about me or whatever task I give her. If a situation seems ridiculous to her she'll tell me that it is. I like our banter. What I didn't like was this distance. I've had enough of her keeping away from me.

"If you have any plans next week cancel them."

"I beg your pardon?"

"A problem has come up and I need to be in Macau next week. Naturally you are expected to go with me. We'll leave on Sunday and return the following Saturday. I've already made all the necessary arrangements."

"You? Do you even know how to purchase a plane ticket?"

I looked at her like she'd just said the most insane thing I've heard since I was five years old and used to always walk into my parents bedroom when they were just about to have sex. If you think about it, she had.

"Why would I buy a plane ticket? I have my own jet, remember?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Is there anything I need to do?"

"No. Just be ready to go on Sunday."


We hadn't spoken for the rest of the day. She was keeping me at a distance, but that's okay. The fact that she was even attempting to do so speaks volumes. I allowed her to do as she wanted.

When Sunday rolled around she was ready and waiting when my driver pulled up. Her dark curls had been pulled back away from her face and she was dressed in jeans, flats and a simple top. She looked refreshing and nothing at all like my personal assistant. Looking at both of us now you'd think we were dating and going away together on a vacation. I chuckled to myself. She only glanced briefly at me and then proceeded to ignore me the rest of the time.

"Are you mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? You basically demanded I give up my weekend and entire week to entertain your foolery."

"It's business."

"Of course it's business. It's always business with you. You don't care that others around you might have a personal life even if you don't."

"You're right. I don't care. You work for me. You signed a contract. These terms were outlined in the contract, so what exactly is the problem?"

"The problem is, it's short notice."


"What do you mean and?"

"I'm still waiting on the point."

"Never mind. There is no point. Like you said, it's my job."

She remained quiet the entire ride to the airport and even right up until we were in the air. That bothered me more than it should. I was no stranger to women or to understanding women's feelings, but I must admit that I don't see what I did wrong here. I really did not see the problem. She was trying to start an argument with whatever she could. I wasn't going to play her game though. I made sure she was never too far away from me and that she was always occupied with some task. By the time we touched down in Macau it was late evening; still early enough for me and I wasn't tired. However considering she hadn't slept on the flight, I'm sure she was probably really tired but too proud to say so.

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