author's comment

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For everyone who is familiar with romanization, I'm sorry for using Jeon Jungkook again.

The pictures are essential to the story, so I recommend to read the story with Internet.

But now, the important stuff: My beta reader told me that she did not like the charakters when they appear first. That is wanted! So, don't be quenched by Tae's and Namjoon's first appearance. Also, don't be mad at me for the computer science stuff in the first chapters. I needed a smooth start into the story and therefor I needed a MacGuffin, the thesis.

I'll give you a small glossary for some words for those of you who want to understand it:

CPU... That's what the computer normally executes stuff on. Like the PC's brain.

GPU... That's the grafic card.

background files... For programming that means the files you need for all the functions you don't want to define again, like addition or subtraction.

compiler... That's the tool that makes the machine understand what your code means.

terminal... Every Linux user should know this tool. It's the black window with the white letters that makes programmers look so cool in movies.

debugger... That's a tool that finds errors in your code by running it step by step.

GPU-programming/parallel programming... To make it pictorial: If your teacher gives you 25 computational tasks and tells you to solve them, you can either solve them by yourself (CPU way of doing things) or you can give every of your 24 classmates one of the tasks, so you can execute the task parallel, sparing you much time and work (GPU way of doing things).

threedimensional sphere... A sphere is like a ball. You have a two-dimentional skin that looks like a three-dimentional stucture because of the air inside. Now, imagine the skin to be three-dimentional. Yeah, pretty hard, right? You would have to think of our normal 3D surrounding as four-dimensional. It's actually pretty fun stuff.

propeller shaft... In a car, the propeller shaft is the shaft that connects the front wheels with the wheels in the back, turning the car into a four-wheeler.

turbocharger... That's what uses the hot exhaust of the car to get energy for compressing the air that gets pumped into the piston, giving the engine some extra PS.

and last:

1 inch = 2.54 cm, and when I talk about degrees, I mean Celsius because I'm from germany.

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