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Taehyung and Namjoon stood in front of the two screens in the second room, which displayed the security feed.

"I need you to draw an exact plan of the floors from the video material," the taller explained. "I already sorted it by floors."

Taehyung nodded approvingly. This man was a genius.

"Yes, Sir," he saluted jokingly and stood behind the light-panel-table to have free sight on the pictures. He pulled the glasses down to the tip of his nose and started analyzing the streams.

"I'm in the other room, if you need anything," the black-haired told him and left.

Now Taehyung understood the test Namjoon had given him, the one he had had to solve the cubes and draw the ground plan. He had needed someone who could recreate an exact plan of the building by just looking at pictures, for he had no access to the real one. His talent of having a great perception for the three-dimensional finally was useful. Eagerly, he started drawing, completely absorbed into his work.

He did not know how much time had passed when Namjoon entered the room with a big cup of coffee.

"Join me on my break," he demanded, "You can go on with this later."

Taehyung straightened his back, making his spine crack, and released a groan. The bent posture was hell, but he wanted to finish this today. When he turned around to the taller, the latter shoved the coffee cup into his hands and gestured him to follow him. He took a sip and was delighted to taste the faint touch of peppermint. A happy smile lit up his face. Namjoon might be cold and efficient, but there seemed to be a soft and attentive side to him, too. Or maybe this was just like the carrot in front of the donkey's nose, motivation.

He followed the black-haired to his room and out on the right balcony, where the taller grabbed a ladder that had been attached to the railing, and leaned it against the outside wall. Carefully not to let go of the coffee, he followed his teammate up.

When the smaller reached the roof, he took a deep breath and looked around. A magnificent view of the city lied in front of his eyes. He could even see the Han-river, sparkling under the sun. When he directed his attention back to the Namjoon, he saw him lying on a big mattress, staring into the sky with dark sunglasses. The mattress was placed on a ragbag of old patterned carpets, colors already fading to gray, making it look like an island of coziness. The crimson followed his host's example and laid down beside him.

The black-haired reached for something next to the mattress and turned back with a pair of sunglasses for the crimson. Taehyung took the black model gratefully and laid back down, letting his gaze wander over the puffy clouds. Soothing silence surrounded them. Just the far sounds of the city mixed into a haze of noise, making it sound like a giant purring cat. The crimson felt his muscles relax and his mind go blank on the sight of the white plushy sky.

After about fifteen minutes, Namjoon started to speak again. This time his voice was calm and friendly, no longer holding the cold tone.

"For about ten years, I take a daily break to watch the sky. And every day I'm greeted by a new picture."

"No Déjà-vu at all?"

"Not at all. Even a cloudless sky does look different every time."

"If you're happy, it's a baby-blue, and if you're sad, it's just light blue?"

"Something like that."

"Hm, I guess, you're right. But sometimes there is a simpler reason for the change of color of a bright sky."

Namjoon narrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out what the smaller meant.

"You mean smog?"

"I see, we understand each other," the crimson chuckled and grinned widely, turning his head towards the black-haired. The latter shook his head. He fished for a pack of cigarettes and took one between his lips, lighting it. After a deep swig, he let the smoke out through his nostrils and stretched his arms over his head. He looked like a black stray cat, stretching in the sun.

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