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Yoongi was woken up by the smell of coffee that flooded from the kitchen island over to the couch area. He opened his eyes to see Taehyung sitting next to him, still wearing the black cargos with bare chest. This man looked like a god. His muscular upper body was slightly bend, so he could balance his elbows on his knees, a steaming mug of coffee between his hands. He himself lied under his bedcover, but the younger had apparently stripped him naked. Well, the cargos had been ruined anyways.

Only now, his drowsy brain noticed that the TV was on, showing the news. Of course, the biggest bank of Seoul had been robbed. How could it not be on the news? Right now, the newscaster informed them that no one was harmed save for one security guard, who was currently treated at a hospital. From the corner of his eye, he could see the younger's shoulders relax. So, he had been tormented by his guilt until now? Poor Taehyung.

"Mornin'," he murmured and sat up, running one hand over the crimson's back soothingly.

The younger looked at him over his shoulder, and when their eyes met, the crimsons furrowed his brows in agony.

"What's up?" the blonde asked confused.


Well, let's keep it at that. He, anyway, needed coffee before he could think straight. When he climbed down from the couch, the cover wrapped around him, and walked over to the kitchen area, his sore muscles harshly reminded him of last night and a soft snort escaped him. With his thoughtless action of giving in to the younger's silent pleading, he had made everything worse for himself. Judging from the things he had heard about Taehyung's sex live, this had been a one-timer. But being next to a person you love and had the ultimate sex with while knowing you would never experience this daze of arousal again, was going to be maddening. Even now, with the crimson being in the same room as him, he felt a stinging pain in his chest.

With a sigh, he took the coffee can from the machine and went back to the couch, removing the lid to drink directly out of the can. Why use a mug if you know you will drink one liter?

Taehyung looked at him with a startled expression.

"What? You think one cup's enough to wake me up?" he asked the crimson in a slightly annoyed tone, eliciting a soft smile from the younger. He felt his expression softening at the sight of the latter's smile.

"Now... tell me what's bothering you. The guy's not dead and we're still free men, so what caused that pained expression of yours?"

The younger stared at his mug, obviously uncomfortable with the question. But he would wait, knowing the crimson would answer him. The only thing the other ever bottled up was his self-hatred. Everything else came out sooner or later. And he was right; after some minutes of silence, the younger started to talk.

"I'm sorry for -ahm- using you," he murmured without looking up. Using him? So, he had been just a way of releasing stress. Well, knowing hurt much more than guessing. He slung the cover tighter around his naked body. It was ridiculous how he squirmed under the words of a boy who was younger than him.

"You..." Taehyung started again, "you deserve someone better than me." What was that supposed to mean? He was about to ask when the younger continued.

"Someone who's not a-addicted to-to..." his voice trailed off and his trembling left hand rubbed over his face. This behavior was close to what had happened last evening and Yoongi did not need a replay of that. He placed the can on the coffee table and sat behind the younger engulfing him in his arms and placing his head on the muscular back.

"You can tell me," he said against the warm skin.

"I'm addicted to sex," the crimson eventually said.

Bored Brains - Taegi/VmonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat