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Namjoon and Jin sat at the small, marble table under the crème parasol, the older studying the newspaper while sipping on his espresso. The programmer was reading a book.

Behind Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok were sleeping on air mattresses that floated on the soft waves of the giant pool. Sadly, they could only use the pool after meridian or in the morning, because otherwise they would be grilled by the sun. He himself had his head propped up on his palms, his lower half in the cooling water and looking at the villa. Seokjin's villa was marvelous. It was a big building made of a bright grey stone with just two floors. The modern glass front underneath the pagodas of the ground level led into the beautiful garden and finally to the beach that belonged to the property. The veranda between the house and the pool was decorated with lemon trees and palms in massive flowerpots.

They were all tanned from the weeks they had spent in the Cuban sun. Their arrival on the island almost was three months ago.

The soft clatter of the sliding door got him out of his daze. Yoongi and Jungkook stepped out of the door and headed over to them. The barista was the only one with white skin, or maybe it just seemed to be white because of the contrast to the other's skin tone.

"Get out, time for workin'," the blonde said and squatted down in front of him, offering him a hand to get out of the pool. Grateful, he took the offer and jumped out, strolling over to the lounger with his towel. Yoongi and him had opened a coffee bar in the city that opened at six in the evening with open end, serving coffee and cocktails. Cubans loved the night. The streets were illuminated by the bars and restaurants and the air rippled from liveliness and music instead of unbearable heat. This country was so much more at ease than Korea. Even Namjoon had become calmer within the first two weeks.

He changed into new clothes in his room. Everyone had their own room on the upper floor with access to the one balcony that went around half of the villa, connecting all the rooms. He went down and into the garage with the three old-timers. If you live the Cuban cliché, you have to drive one of the old cars. And Taehyung loved it. As well as the live in this city, the cars were not about speed but about happiness. The people had welcomed the seven strange Korean guys warmly, and after tasting the Korean coffee (as they called it) rather carefully, the little café had gotten quite popular around the area. The language barrier did not bother anyone, because fun did not need words. They simply communicated by hands and feet, learning new words every day from their customers. After the people had gotten warm with the annoyed attitude of the barista, they had started to call him gramps. Even the old, wrinkly men, that came every evening to smoke their cigar and drink their rum, called him that. At first, he had disliked it, but with time there comes acceptance, and now he even wore an apron reading gramps, a customer's gift.

Jungkook hummed softly to the radio music in the backseat of the car while they drove through the small streets. The former officer had changed his uniform for an apron and worked with them in the café, sharing his shifts with Hoseok. The old ladies went crazy over the raven. They loved to pinch his cheeks and call him pretty, whereas Hoseok was the one who got pulled onto the dance floor. But the two did not seem annoyed.

When they reached the little café, Yoongi maneuvered the car into the small gab between the buildings and they climbed out of the windows. The gab only fit the car, the mirrors dangerously close to the walls, so they had to perform a little acrobatic stunt to get out of it. Yoongi was already at the door when Taehyung surrounded the corner. The barista went inside and opened the two double door windows that led out to the street. They had transformed the windowsills into a seating area, something the blonde had always dreamed about to do with Min's coffee bar. But because of Seoul's chilly winter he never had made the change.

The open front was a magnet for people passing by, because it offered a free sight on the big bar and the feeling of sitting in the lively streets while you were technically sitting inside. Moreover, the aroma of the fresh coffee flooded out of the room and made every head on the street turn towards them.

Taehyung and Jungkook put down the chairs and arranged the tables outside on the sidewalk. Ashtrays were placed on every table and the display stand with the cocktails of the evening was carried outside. In the background Yoongi started the coffee machine running hot water through the pipes.

When the two younger were done they were greeted by three streaming little espresso cups on the counter. The espresso before work had become a ritual. Satisfied, the two sat down on the bar stools and took one of the cups. Yoongi turned around to them and after making a toast on Cuba they drowned the caffeine shot, lighting a cigarette afterwards. There was much time until the first customers would jam in, so they simply used the time for learning new words and joking over some customer anecdotes.

Lifewas enjoyable.

>>The End<<

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