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Yoongi an Taehyung were sitting on the couch while Namjoon pulled over his office chair like always. The latter would give them the briefing on the mission.

"Okay guys, listen: We'll park the car with the trunk towards the stairs in front of the backdoor. The backstreet is currently not used by many cars, because of a construction zone that makes it into a dead end." He placed a photography on the coffee table with the location he was talking about. "This is obviously not the normal delivery entrance, so we'll have to cut the palette to fit the door. But the place offers the best way to make a fast takeoff." His two colleagues nodded. "We'll bridge the stairs with metal planks to get the load lifter out and inside the car easily. Access to the building will be granted by one of our fake cards. Everyone gets one in case we have to split up. I'll mute the alarm that goes off on entries after a certain time, and then we can go in. Tae will lead us to the vault room and Min will crack the lock. How fast can you be?"

The barista thought for a moment. "'bout five minutes. If I fail it once, it'll obviously take longer."

"Okay, the only thing that has to be done is cutting the palette, and then we'll move the load to the backdoor with the load lifter. I'll activate the alarm again while you two secure the load inside the trunk. Now... Tae, I want you to memorize the exact way on this map." The programmer placed a map on the table with a red trace. "This is our escape route. Between those two points," he let his index slide over the map, "we'll change the color of the car and turn around to head to the port. That's a blind spot of the city camera system."

The crimson nodded.

"Back at the warehouse, we'll change the car and drive home. If we're good, our presence inside the building won't take longer than 32 minutes."

"If nothin' goes wrong," Yoongi said.

"If nothing goes wrong," the black-haired echoed, "And then we'll have to lay low for some weeks."

Taehyung awoke from his silence, "That sounds much too easy." He took the card.

"It always does, but there's always somethin' that goes wrong. Might be a forgotten item to go back for or a thing calculated wrong." The barista paused. "Now that I say that aloud, I realize that this won't happen with you two." He smiled satisfied.

Namjoon grinned cheekily, "Now, when do we go in?"

"Friday night?" Yoongi suggested, "Then no one'll be curious if we don't attend our jobs if anythin' happens."

"Good point," the programmer admitted, "I would've gone for Thursday after the delivery of the fresh money, but I guess you're right. So, Friday at 22, after the security changed into night mode."

For Taehyung the time until Friday seemed much too long and much too short at the same time. Nervousness and excitement mixed to a stirring sensation in his stomach. This was no game anymore. He was about to commit a crime. His mind always switched between pretending he was in a movie and this was not real and facing reality and the legal consequences of their project. He could end in prison, regretting ever having given in to his bored brain, or he could become a rich man, giving a shit about the problems of a normal life. But when everything became too much, he thought of Namjoon and Yoongi. He could not let those two down, not after all the time they had spent together. Jumping out would be betrayal and that was something he hated. The world was full of disloyal, opportunistic people who screw over their so-called friends. He would not become one of them. He had bought this one-way ticket when he had stepped over Namjoon's threshold on the day he had joined him on the project, and there was no way out now.

Bored Brains - Taegi/VmonWhere stories live. Discover now