Hotel and Room.

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After one and half month we will be celebrating  5 years of Student of the Year. The film that changed Alia, Sidd and my life forever, and we are grateful to Karan for introducing us to this marvelous and enormous industry. So the whole SOTY gang planned on celebrating 5 years of the very special movie. We all planned the huge function in London. Many amazing actors, along with directors, producers, distributors were coming.  We thought of creating a function as a big as filmfare award.

We have lots of works to do, we have to rehearse for many dance, small acts and everything should be completed within  a month and a half. Alia and Sidd reached London yesterday, as you may have heard  lot of rumors about them being together, let me clarify it for you.  As soon as SOTY was released, Sidd asked Alia out. They did a pretty good job keeping things  low  profile.

Right now, I am walking to my hotel room, behind me follow a staff carrying my second suit case. I will be staying in London for one and a half months along with the love birds ( Alia and Sidd).  I rang the door bell.

"Coming." Alia's sweet voice was heard from the other side of door. With in a few seconds, the door flew open.

Alia stood there, all smiley, wearing a pink pj and one of Sidd's tee shirt.

"Varrrrun, come in yaar, what took you so long yaar." Alia asked, opening the door wide again, so that I could get in along with my suitcase.

"Flight got delayed, Aloo." I explained, as I hugged here and waved at the hotel staff member, indicating to keep the second suitcase on the floor. He nodded his head with a smile and left us alone in the room.

"Acha, Sidd kaha hai?" (Where's Sidd?),  I asked, as  I couldn't find my friend no where in the room.

"Woh, (he)...gym." She replied.

"I will go see him" I replied going to the door.

"Do you want me to order anything for you?" She asked, looking at me.

"Coffee.. please." I smiled.

"Okay." She replied with her million dollar smile.

I walked down the hallway to the lift, and pressed 2nd floor button. I took out my phone and messaged my mom, saying that I reached here safely. I heard the ding sound as the lift hit the second floor. When the door opened, I could see Sidd, running on the treadmill. When he saw me walking towards him, he stopped the machine and came close to me. And gave me a brotherly hug.

"Bhai (brother), when did you reach?" He asked.

"Just few minutes before. I see you started workout session for the function already." I said with a chuckle.

"Arre, no yaar. You too come na." He said, motioning me towards the threadmill.

"Yeah, yeah... I will start off right now itself." I said sarcastically. And to this, as response, Sidd laughed. He picked up his bag, which contained few towel and a water bottle.

"Let's go na?" He asked. And I nodded my head, heading out of the gym.

"Haan, by the way, Karan called me before and asked all three of us to meet at the stadium tomorrow morning." Sidd told me.

"Morning?" I asked, thinking about how I hate to get up in the morning, that too in the cold mornings of London.

Sidd chuckled at me with his head shaking.


"Mamma, don't cry, I am going for like 2 months. Don't get sad and she nodded. I could see, a tear threatening to fall from my pappa's red puffy eyes. I sighed, "pappa, don't cry or else I will end up crying too. Guys, I am going to London for the first time, to work as an independed  woman, don't you you want to send your daughter with all smiley faces?" I asked them.

"Wherever you go, let only good happened to you, my baby girl."  With that pappa and mamma kissed me.

"Take care of them Priya." I said to our maid, who had also come to see me off.

"You don't have to say that. They are like my parents too." She said with a pride smile all over her face.

I waved bye to my parents and told them to get inside the car, as I could take care of myself from here, they first hesitated but later obeyed. I saw the black Range Rover speed off to the other side of the road.  I got inside the airport once I saw the car getting into  blurry vision.

"Mam, you have reached your address." The cab driver brought me back from the train of thoughts. I really missed, the beautiful lights of London, as I emerged in deep thoughts of my parents. But I didn't get disappointed as I realized that i will be spending next 2 months here.

"Thank you." I told him as I paid him.

The cab driver helped me with the luggage and left. I took the bags and went to the 5th floor of building. As soon as I reached the fifth floor, I met my best friend Naina standing there, with a huge smile plastered all over her face.

"Kavya..... I missed you darling." She said as she pulled me in to a bear hug.

"I missed you too." I replied with a big smile over my face. That's the effect of meeting your best friend after one damn long year.

"Come in, we have to get to the office in the morning, so it will be good, we go to bed within an hour." Naina said as she took a bag from me and walked to the room.

"Morning? why?" I groaned.

"Miss Laura, wants us to meet Mr. Karan Johar." She broke the news with a smirk.

"What? As in KG3 KJO?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes baby, our insipration KJO." She sassed.

"Let's sleep." I said running to the room and I heard Naina following me with a chuckle.

You know what?! I haven't introduced myself properly. I am Kayva, a normal South Indian girl, I have a brother, you all know about my parents right. Well one thing you don't know is that I belong to 2 religion, My parents were in love and got married, so I am a very unorthodox. I always had a special spot for film in my heart.  Even though I couldn't get to the film industry, I managed to get a job as interesting as film and that is event management.

I along with my best friend Naina, work for the top Event Management company of India, Rayson International Events Management Group ot RIEMG for short. And Miss Laura is our head. A sweet 47 year old lady, who loves us like something. She's the best mentor a person could ever ask for. As she saw our hard work, she gave us this 2 month job here in London.

To be honest, I don't know who else I am working with except for Karan Johar. But the name Karan Johar made up my whole life. I just got the best job offer anyone could ever imagine and I am happy about it.

"Hey, stop smiling like an idiot and go to sleep." Naina threw a pillow at me from her bed and brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah, good night Nai,"

"Good night Kav."


That's a big chapter.

Please do tell me how you think of it.



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