New Trouble.

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Morning came sooner than I thought. I didn't want to get up at all, snoozing the alarm for 10 mins again went to sleep but thought of what I had to do today made me get up from the bed in a jolt. I took a quick bath and went to make something for breakfast. As I was whisking the dough to make pancakes, my vibrated, indicating the arrival of a new message. When I looked it, I was surprised to see a message from Varun. Isn't it too early for a boy to wake up?! Its only 7am.

"Don't reply." Said a voice, looking up I saw Naina, still half sleepy as she came to me and took my phone away.

"Heeey..gimme my phone back." I whined.

"Let me read it first and I will decide." She said and read the message out loud, "Hey Kavya, morning.... how's you hand? Hope its gettin better. Xoxo, Varun."

"You know what?! Don't reply." She chuckled and went away, I shook my head at her. But secretly I felt bad for not answering him.

Alia Bhatt.

"Sid, get up. We need to go to the stadium in two hours." I said as I shook his shoulder. I woke up an hour, did some workout and stuff. He groaned and mumbled some thing incoherent.

"Sid, get up before I come from my shower." I said as I kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom.

When I got out from the shower, I saw Sidd coming from the hall.

"Someone's cranky." He warned me, indicating to Varun.

I mumbled a small why to which he just shrugged his shoulder. We all quickly got ready, thinking about the show, I realized that nearly 10 days were over. Few more days later, we will have to perform the whole thing alone, without Kavya and Naina's help. Ugh, a shiver ran through my spine as I thought of it.

"Varun, let's go." Sidd as he got the key from a small bowl kept on the table.

Through out the ride, Varun kept his mouth shut. Me and Sidd, kept on sharing worried glances, but kept our mouth shut as we know a cranky Varun is not that great to mess with. Just as we reached the stadium, we saw Kavya and Naina walking to the entrance door. Once they saw our car coming, they waited for us. Once Vd saw Kavya his face lit up a little, but there was something bugging him for sure.

"Morning girls." I greeted and ran to them to hug. I must say, I feel really close to them from the past few days.. I am sure it will be hard once the show gets over. We talked as we went inside the stadium. Just when I got inside, I heard Kavya's shriek.

"Benny?" She ran to hug him. The hug did last more than two seconds. If I have to say this, I did feel something burn and it was Varun's dil.

'Benny....where have you been? Have you got any idea, how hard it is to manage everything without you." Kavya went on.

'Kavs, stop it. I am here." He said kissing her cheeks. One hand around he shoulder.

Did he call her Kavs? I thought to myself.

"Guys, I am sorry, I forgot to introduce him. This is Benny. He's my best friend from college. He's an amazing dancer too. He will also help us in the managing of the whole program." She finished.

"Hey." Sidd and I greeted. I nudged Varun, asking him to greet him.

"Hey, I am Varun." He said way too polite and I know when he's too polite to someone it usually meant that he hated that person. But I didn't know a person could hate another person this fast.

"Yes man. How can I not know you... well any of you." He said looking at us all. He wasn't that bad.

"Kavya, what happened to your hand?" Benny asked concerned thick in his voice.

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