We Kissed.

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"Priya, I never thought, he would ever propose Suzanne. I can't believe he did that." I cried. 

I came back to Kerala, today morning, the thought of staying in Mumbai gave me a stroke. Varun proposed the girl I hate the most. My love, my life, everything was taken away from me in seconds at that dinner date.

"Kavya. If he loves you and if he realize your love for him is real. He will come, no matter what his social status is or even if he's a big movie star." Priya consoled me.

I looked at her with a 'duh' expression.

"Priya, I didn't tell that I love him." I nearly screamed.

So, was she consoling me without understanding the whole story?! God.... 

"Kya?" She asked as she pulled me away from the hug, which we were sharing.

"Arrey, yaar go and do your work." I said as I pused her away. Idiot.

"And haan, don't tell pappa and mamma. I will tell them, whenthe time comes." I told my maid as I wiped my tears off.

Priya's never considered as a maid, but my sister. Who basically stood by my side, all the time. Just like now.

Thoughts raced in my mind, as I paced in my room, phone in my grip. 

Should I call Varun and tell him the truth?

Let's give it a try. I mean telling the truth is better now than just sitting sad all day. 

Dialling his number and with only positive thoughts, I pressed the call button. But apprently, negativity is partner. The automatic voice a girl, who at times is the best thing to hear and at times the worse, said that the number you have called is switched off. 

Tears built in my eyes. What if Varun and Suzaane is spending quality time together? What if-. I left my thoughts there. Not wanting to think what they would be doing. Instead I decided to take a bath. Cool bath to cool down the hot head.

Gathering my clothes, I went to my bathroom. After 45 mins I got out of my bathroom, from my room, I could hear a voice from downstairs hall. First, I thought it was from Tv but I listen carefully and realized that the voice was familiar.  Putting on my clothes quickly, Iwent down.

My breath hitched, my pupils went wide, hand covering my mouth in fear and surprise as I was the person standing in front of my furious father. My  mother beside my pappa and my brother's hands on the collar of Varun's shirt.

"What the hell are you doing here? Don't you think you have hurt my sister enough?" My brother, Arav asked.

"Please listen to me. I can explain." Varun tried to say with confidence in his voice but fear conquered his eyes.

Before, Arav got a chance to hit him. I ran to them and tore Arav's hand from Varun.

"Arav, What are you doing?" I asked.

"Kicking out the person who hurt you." He yelled.

I looked at Varun, who's cheek had red hand prints. Oh my god, did anyone slap him?!

"Who slapped him?" I turned my family, anger taking over my mind.

"I did." My father replied.

"Pappa, I love him." I told my father. I didn't even get a chance to say it to my lover first.

"Kavya. Come here." My mother, pulled me closer to her.

I had no clue at who would have told all these to my parents. The it hit me like bricks hitting my head. My head turned to Priya, who just shrugged her shoulder. I glared at her. I made a grave mistake my calling her my sister.

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