Amar Fahad Khan.

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"What did he say to you?"

"He told that he loves me."

"And what did you say?"

"He asked if I love him and I said no. I am scared to admit what I feel, Naina." I sobbed on her shoulder.

"There's no use of crying Kavya." Naina sighed as she kept a firm hand on my back.

"Naina, you know that pappa and mamma are serious about this marriage thing. And Varun's such behavior towards me now is not helping. And Suzanne out of all girls in this world, he picked her?!" I complained.

"Are you jealous because Varun asked her out or scared because your parents are looking for groom?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Both. Naina, all the time I said I hated Varun, it was just to make myself believe that but each time I ultimately failed. I was scared to admit to Varun that I love him, that's why I said I don't when he asked me the other day. For the past one year, I had not spent a moment without thinking of him. Pappa and mamma are doing this because last year, they did catch my mood swings and my depressed mode. I love him." I told her, tears of frustration and hurt poring down my eyes.

"Girl, you are a mess." That was all Naina said, but my phone started to ring.

"It's Pappa."

"Pick up."

"Hello pappa, how are you?" I asked, trying to sound better. Girls, no matter how hard you try, if you cry, the first person to find out will be your dad. That's the power of father's love.

"Kavya, what happened? Why are you sounding upset?" He questioned.

I had to make up some lie.

"Pappa, don't you think, it's too early for me to get married?" I asked. Well, it's not entirely a lie. Half truth.

"Kavya, I am not asking you to get married now. Just  meet this boy. I have already given your number. He will call you soon." Pappa said calmly.

"Okay pappa." I replied not wanting to disappoint him.

"Kavya, never forget. If you feel it's not right, tell me and if you have anyone in your life, tell me that too. You do remember what I told you isn't it? You are my life Kavya, I will never be able to watch you suffer. Not only me, your mother and brother as well."

"Pappa I love you. I will tell if there's anything." I told and hang up the phone. I looked at Naina, who looked doubtfully.

"You know what?! I have got an Idea." Naina smirked. That's what she said after I explained what pappa told me.


"Naina Talwar. The queen of ideas. Wait and see." She said with so much pride in her voice that I laughed out loud earning a glare from her that shut me up that moment.


As per Naina Talwar, the queen of ideas, I sat in the hotel room. Waiting for Mr. Amar Fahad Khan, CEO of some company, which I didn't want to know at all. I kept my phone on the chair beside me.

"Kavya, can you hear us?" Naina asked through her phone.

"Yes, now be quite. He will walk through the door any seconds." I scolded her, and I saw Naina along with her fiance, Alia, Sidd and Varun sitting at the table which was at the end of the room.

Did you guys, get what her plan is? For those who didn't. I will explain, most likely no one would have understood as it's Naina's plan. So here it goes. Naina wanted to know if the guy is good for me. I know, I know, you must be wonder where my love for Varun went. It's right there in my heart. So coming back to her plan. She wants to know if the guy is good for me or not, if he's good looking or not etc, etc. Alia and Sidd jumped to a big yes, when they heard the plan. Then Arjun, poor thing had no choice but to say yes or he will have to face Naina's wrath and Varun, he was dragged by his friends. Still ignoring me.

Varun Dhawan.

"Is this even gonna workout?" I asked impatiently.

"Varun Dhawan. Wait." Alia said and Naina nodded in agreement.

Only my love story will be this twisted in this century. You see, I got the girl of my dream, messed it my myself, lost the girl of my dream for one year, then she again came back to my life. Again here I am sitting almost losing her.

But don't worry. I have got Ideas. If you remember. I told at the end she will be mine.

"Why is he not hear yet? I heard he's a CEO of a big company. Kavya's parents did some research for sure."Naina said, tapping her fingers on the glass of water.

Just then a guy, maybe 25-26 years old, in black shirt and grey pants walked in. Executive look. He sure as hell did workouts. He reminded me of Benny, fit, muscular and handsome. I am sure any girl would fall for him the moment their eyes fell on him. I must say, Kavya's parents know how to choose. He looked around the hotel room. It was fully vacant except our seat and Kavya's.

He walked closer to her, with each step he took, pangs of jealousy built in me. He hugged her and as a respond my knuckles turned white.

Back off from my girl, you bastard.

"Please sit Kavya." Oh great, he's got the best voice too. We heard from the phone that set in the center of the table. All of us were gather closer so we could hear what they where saying.

I looked at my friends who all looked surprised at the guy.

"I am Amar. Amar Fahad Khan. You must be Kavya." He asked.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Tell me about yourself Kavya."

"What do you wanna know?" Kavya asked boldly. That's my girl.

"From what I heard from your parents, you sound so different. Are you not happy to see me?" He asked softly.

"Of course not. Nothing like that. I am just- I don't know. So you wanted to know about me right?" With that she  talked to him. Telling about her work and stuff. And I didn't like it at all.

"What about you?" She asked back smiling.

"Well, CEO of my own company. And if we get married I would never say no to you for working. I think all girl's should work. India will get better if they support more girls to work." His patriotism's boring me.

"Yeah. Amar, I need to tell you something." with that she cut the phone which was the only connection we had to hear what she was saying. Why did she do that. We all shared a concerned look with each other. After waiting there for 5 minutes. I got impatient.

"Guys, follow my lead." I told as I got up from my chair.

"Varun, what the hell are you gonna do?" Sidd asked, concern for Kavya clear in her voice.

"Just come."

With that, we all walked to the table where Kavya and Amar sat. When Kavya saw us coming. Her eyes went wide in fear.

"Hi, you must be the fellow who came to see our friend, Kavya." I said.

"Hi, I am Amar. Yes that's me."

"I am Varun. Varun Dhwan."

He extended his hand, I took it and shook it.

"So, What do you think of our girl?" Naina asked.

"She's amazing." Amar said with a smile, plastered on her face.

"What about you Kavya?" I asked with a fake smile.

"He's good too." She said looking down.

"Then we all should get together sometimes." I told casually.

Kavya shot me a look. And I looked away. Amar, only if you knew, in future, she will never be Kavya Fahad Khan. It will be Kavya Dhawan.


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Amar, Suzanne, Kavya, Varun..

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