Hey....come here.

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Siddharth Malhotra.

I saw Varun storming out of the green room. Seconds later, behind him came a very pale looking Kavya. I looked at Alia, basically asking her to go to her and ask her if she's okay or not.

"Kavya, are you okay?" I heard Kavya saying.

"Can you ask  Naina to take-" She stopped midway and she grabbed Alia's hand and went in search of Naina.

Girls are hard to understand. So I thought of going to one person who could tell me what had happened. I went in search of Varun. But he was nowhere near the stadium. What the hell is happening here?! I came here all day and still I feel like I missed out a lot of things. I need Alia to fill me up but not now though. Later.

I took out my phone and tried to call my brother from another mother. Varun pick up. But it went straight to his voice mail. I tried him 2 more times but then left it. Let him call.


"Alia, I am really getting worried." I said, pacing back and forth. I looked at the clock, set on the wall. It said 11:05 pm. We returned to the hotel at 6 hoping to see Varun. But he was not here, nearly 5 hours had passed. Both Alia and me tried to call him but he didn't answer his phone. I am sure that I am going to punch him. It's a promise.

"I know...even me." Alia said, one hand resting on her head as she sat on the sofa.

I looked at her and thought that I should comfort her.

"We will find him, after all he's not a baby right." I assured her more likely myself. "But tell me what's going on between Kavya and Vd.. and be honest Alia, I know you are supporting her." I said to her.

She sighed. "Sidd-" She was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller Id to see Varun's name flashing. The moment I saw his name, relief washed through me.Before the call got cut, I answered.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I fired. Anger washing over me after relief.

"Hello." The voice on the other end said. It's not Varun's. Now panic washed over me.

"Where's Varun?" I asked.

"He's drunk. Please can you come and pick him from club Xxx."

"Please can you send the address to this number?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks. Please take care of him."

"Yeah.. I can do that." The other voice said and the call ended. Within few seconds, I received a message, showing the address.

"Alia, can you come with me?" I asked. She understood that we have found him from the conversation. She was already set to go and grab the messed up boy from the pub.

Following the address, we reached a crowded pub. I asked Alia to sit in the car. She nodded with a smile. I went inside and took few seconds before spotting, the messy haired boy who's shirt was covered in sweat. He kept his head on the table. I walked up to him, I had the urge to slap him but I wasn't going to do that in this state of his. Instead I patted his shoulder.

"Yup.....one mo'e vodkaaaa will do." He slurred, he's really drunk. And he wanted more drinks?!

"Varun, get up let's go buddy." I said, as I made him sit up, hands supporting his chest and back. He looked up at me and hugged surprised to see me. He stink.

"Bro, sit let's have a few drinkssss." He dragged as he nearly fell down. But I caught him on time.

"We are going." I said, I made him stand up, his hand on my shoulder. But  as soon as my hands left him to get my wallet from my pocket, he noticed someone else's drink untouched on the table. He reached his hands to the drink but I slapped it away and shot him a glare. He kept the drink back on the table and pouted.If he wasn't this drunk I would have bought him one. But now I won't.

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