Chapter 2 : Their Stories

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King was about to reach his arm out and open Nouva High's front door when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"King, may I have a minute with you?" Instructor Kaya asked. Students were busying about the halls, many throwing things back into the lockers and fleeing to the lunchroom or dorms for a nap. King nodded his head in response. Instructor Kaya signaled him to follow her, bringing him to her office. She pointed to the seat in front of her desk before sitting at her desk.

"Before I start, I just want you to know that you are not in any sort of trouble." Instructor Kaya began. King's placid and bored expression refused to change, a signal that Instructor Kaya took to continue.

"I am not sure if this is a glitch in the system, but when I searched your stats earlier today, there were some intriguing..... Shall we say, results?" Instructor Kaya said, raising an eyebrow at King. He knew what she was talking about. Every teacher he'd had in the previous years had asked him as well. Every teacher was curious as to how his stats were so irregular. Some thought of him using drugs, maybe surgical enhancements which were illegal.

"You are wondering about my stats, correct?" King replied. Instructor Kaya merely nodded her head.

"My stats are : S+ tier in Physical Strength and Physical Defense

S tier in Speed."

King paused for a moment. His facial expression changed as he prepared to state his worst stat.

"And D tier in Energy."

Instructor Kaya nodded her head again. She was writing notes, some of which King saw. She was writing down his expressions, his responses, the tone of his voice, the look in his eyes.

"It does seem strange that you are exemplary in every category except energy. What I am thinking is that, perhaps when you were young, you experienced a traumatic event involving energy. As a result, you have chosen not to invest in energy or even display energy based power. Am I wrong?" Instructor Kaya said as she locked eyes with him.

"You're wrong." King said as he broke their intense glare-down, glancing at the open window.

"If you really wish to hide your true energy level, then may I know the reason?" Instructor Kaya asked him.

"I'm saving it to kill someone."


Alicia walked down the hall, towards the front door of Nouva High. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was still living with her parents instead of living on campus as most of the students did. She suddenly became wrapped up in her thoughts, the outside world becoming irrelevant. She thought of her father and his chronic illness. When she would be home later, she'd have to check if he had come back from the hospital. His illness basically crippled him, forcing him to stay in the hospital almost permanently. Her mother, on the other hand, would probably be asleep from her exhausting day at work. Nathan, her younger brother, would probably be doing his homework. He always did like to finish it before his gaming sessions.

Alicia was so transfixed by her own thoughts that she suddenly walked into another person, her books and binder falling out of her arms and splattering across the floor.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She quickly said as her violet eyes suddenly landed on the person she had bumped into, a shocked expression spread across her face.

"King..." She breathed as King bent down in front of her and began picking up her books. She joined him, her long black hair falling off her shoulders and nearly touching the ground.

"I'm sorry. For bumping into you, I mean." King handed her the books in his hands before waving her off. It was no big deal to him. A glittering blue item at his feet suddenly caught his attention. He bent down again and picked up the bracelet. The blue gem was held by intertwining pieces of silver, an intricate look meant only for the royal Koster family. He held it out to her, then walked towards the front doors again, exiting the building.

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