Chapter 15 : The Prince

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Dragos shook with fear as he faced the human coming ever closer to him. He'd only ever felt the insane amount of bloodlust hanging in the air once before, when he had disobeyed the Demon King. It was only when he had seen the red aura increasing in size when he understood who the human was.

"You dreaded human! Prepare to die!" Dragos shouted as he prepared to launch himself into the air. King suddenly appeared in front of Dragos, quickly reaching out and ripping the demon's arm off. Dragos roared in pain before King suddenly reached upwards and grabbed Dragos by the neck. He then rose in the air, tightening his grip on the demon's neck.

"You..." King seethed as he rose even higher in the air, dragging the demon with him.

"Were you the one... who killed my mother?" King quietly asked as he lessened his grip on the demon's neck.

"I... I killed so many today...your mother would have been insignif-" Dragos began before King suddenly snapped his neck in half, violently ripping the head off the demon then throwing the remains onto the floor below him.


"Did he just-" Alicia asked in disbelief.

"But if he doesn't break the demon crystal in the chest, the demon won't die! It'll just regenerate! I thought he wanted to kill the demon!" Gale exclaimed, turning to face the still shivering Karin Yuchester. The principal shook her head in response.

"His goal isn't to kill the demon." Alicia turned to her.

"It's to torture him."


Dragos' head had reformed seconds after his body had fallen to the ground, as did his missing arm. He was gasping in pain as King landed in front of him.

"Is this... all of... the power... you have?" Dragos said in between his gasps for air. He then started laughing outrageously as King's eyebrow rose in curiosity.

"You mean... you haven't noticed? Look above you."  Dragos said as King suddenly felt an enormous amount of energy floating in the sky above him. The energy radiated off of the large, flaming sphere in the sky Dragos had created with his energy as soon as King had arrived.

"Even someone of the Demon King's level would be terrified at the amount of power floating behind you. Ha-ha! It is my win!" Dragos shouted with glee as the blast of flames suddenly pulled towards King's back.

"I noticed." King calmly replied as the large sphere of flames disappeared as soon as it came into contact with King's flaring red aura.

"I just didn't care." King said as he reached forward and ripped Dragos' head off once more.


Vincent turned his head towards Nouva City before shaking his head disapprovingly.

"I can't leave you alone for a week, can I?" He said to himself before he turned back to his team and signaled them to continue searching for the demons who had snuck past the frontlines.

He then turned back in the direction of Nouva City, focusing his energy into his feet and launching himself into the air.


King rapidly spun his body, his arms gripping onto Dragos' tail. Doing this motion allowed him to thrash Dragos around before eventually throwing him back towards the Earth, a large crater being created at the center of Nouva City.

King was going to strike Dragos' recuperating body when another demon suddenly appeared in front of King and blocked his fist using only the tip of his finger.

"I was wondering why your squadron was taking it's sweet time, Dragos. Now I see you've been having trouble dealing with a single mere human?" The demon said as King unleashed a volley of punches, only for all of them to be blocked in the same manner as before.

"Quite the energetic one, aren't you?" The demon said as he turned back to face King. Without warning, the demon had quickly retracted his hand and pointed his palm at King.

"Desolation Blue Demon Force." The demon said as purple energy waves suddenly fired from his palm, smacking into King and sending him crashing into the Earth below.


Gale and Alicia watched as King was sent flying by a humanoid demon, waves of purple energy getting the better of him.

"Why does that demon.... look like a human?" Alicia asked as they watched the Dragos and Abarai speak to each other.

"The more powerful a demon is, the more human-like they appear." Karin Yuchester stated.

"So judging by how human this demon looks..." Naomi began.

"He's at least of the ninth tier, the same strength level as the Demon King." Karin finished.


"P-Prince Abarai." Dragos stuttered as he quickly stood off the ground then bowed in respect.

"This young lieutenant greets the Demon Prince! Forgive my absence, me liege. I merely let my guard down and he-" Dragos stopped as the Demon Prince raised his hand, a gesture to silence.

"It seems your entire squadron was defeated by that human. it makes sense that you struggled with him. Even I can sense that I must at the bare minimum use half of my power at his current level." Prince Abarai said as he turned his entire body to face King once more.

"That- That is absurd! You, the prince, cannot engage in combat! It was the King Leonidas's command!" Dragos replied in a panicking manner.

"Do not worry, I will take fault for it seems that if I do not step in, I will return home empty-handed." Prince Abarai replied as King suddenly launched himself form the ground.


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