Chapter 3 : Ending King's Streak

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Once everyone had returned to their seats, Instructor Kaya had begun reteaching her lesson.

"Now, I assume you all know about abilities, correct? Abilities are unique to each person. In a person's life, a traumatic event may unleash their ability, such as the stories you have just heard. Every human has an ability, it just matters if they can unleash it. Some are better for recreational work, others are better for battle. Abilities can be passed down, but do not get your hopes up. Each parent, when a child is born, will have a chance of their ability being passed on. Very few children are born with a fused ability, and even fewer are born with two abilities." Instructor Kaya suddenly looked at King.

"Now, in all of this, the current top student in terms of win/loss ratio and duels fought is King. What many of you do not realize is that not only does he not have any energy to use in energy-based attacks, he also does not have an ability. I will let that soak in. For years, many of you have lost to someone who does not have an ability when compared to your abilities."


Alicia's hand suddenly flew up again. Several hours had passed by with Instructor Kaya giving several demonstrations against the students. One, for example, was when Instructor Kaya had said: "If you really wish to not fight with the target because you know they are weaker than you, a swift hit to the back of the neck will knock them unconscious. However, you must be precise. Should you hit higher than the the correct area, you risk injuring their spinal cord."

Instructor Kaya looked at Alicia with a perplexed look. Alicia had raised her hand practically once every lesson that day, something of which even Naomi, the know-it-all of Nouva High, did not do.

"Yes, Alicia?"

"What should we do if we're fighting other humans and we're out numbered?" Instructor Kaya's eyebrow raised at this. Humans only fought each other because of either trivial reasons or rebels. Rebels were humans who did not agree with the way of living solely to fight off the Demons.

"Well, would you like another demonstration?" Instructor Kaya asked the class. The students gave each other weary looks and glances.

"Do not worry. I understand that many of you are exhausted from our previous demonstrations. For this, King, Gale, and Alicia will do. Given that they all have not participated as frequently as the majority of you, they will suffice" Instructor Kaya said as the three walked onto the stage yet again.

"Now, Gale and Alicia. I want the two of you to force King off the arena or surrender. No energy-based ranged attacks." Instructor Kaya said as the bell suddenly rang. Gale pulled his large broadsword out and charged King, raising his sword above his head. Alicia drew her rapier, standing at the edge of the arena. Their unspoken communication confused the students in the crowd, a soft murmur spreading through them.

'I'll rush him.' Gale's eyes had said to her just before he had dashed forward.

'Go for it. I've got your back.' Alica's eyes had responded. Years of talking to each other and frequently meeting up had sprouted in an unspoken communication between the two, one of which at a mere glance would communicate a formulated plan.

King drew his rapier, quickly blocking Gale's sword with his own. King suddenly disappeared from in front of Gale, reappearing behind King. His rapier was thrusted at Gale, the blade about to make contact when a sudden light-purple bubble appeared around Gale, stopping King's sword.

"Not so fast." Alicia smiled, her own rapier was glowing with a soft purple light.

Alicia's Profile ! :

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