Chapter 14 : Blood Lust

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Naomi and Gale landed on the ground near Nouva High, the only shelter left in all of Nouva City. Gale opened the front doors, revealing families and injured people filling the entirety of the school.


"The Principal was out and about as soon as the attacks started happening, helping families and saving people's lives. She's out there guarding Nouva High's perimeter right now." Gale turned to her before nodding towards the Gymnasium.

"I couldn't find your family when I went to your house." Gale said as they arrived at the gymnasium, hundreds of injured people placed in rows on the lunchroom tables. Some had patches of red blood all over their white clothing while others had casts on.

"I thought you were with King. What happened to him?" Gale asked as he turned to her after handing the backpack to a nurse who came up to him.

"Oh um... he's busy." Naomi replied as the image of King's first tear landing on the ground near him returned to her mind.

"Killing Demons I hope. Anyway, can you help with the healing? I need to get back out and help the other students patrol the perimeter." Gale replied.


In the short time that Naomi had left King's presence, King had uncovered his mother's mangled corpse and had dug out a grave for her in their backyard. Of course, the rubble was moved and placed neatly around the grave.

King then lowered his mother into the grave before burying her, then took one of the large stones from the rubble of his house and stabbed it into the ground above her as a marker for her grave.

"I'm sorry, Mom..." King said as he suddenly turned towards Nouva High. A pillar of flames had exploded into the sky near there, bringing the image of his mother's scorched arm to the forefront of his mind and burning it there.


Gale gripped his left arm as if it would lessen the pain. The flame demon had suddenly slammed into the ground as soon as Gale had opened the front door of the school, a flaming pillar shooting into the sky as he landed. The pillar had scorched Gale's left arm, leaving it useless to him. Several other Nouva High students Gale did not recognize had attacked the demon only to be launched away with ease. Luckily, Alicia's barrier had protected them. She landed next to Gale, creating another barrier around them.

"Gale, your arm-"

"Dutifully noticed. We need to make sure he doesn't get into the school." Gale replied with a strain-filled voice. The demon, a humanoid dragon-like creature with black scales, purple skin, and red eyes glared angrily at them. It's human-like body was completely covered in black scales, aside from the beast's belly which showed it's light-purple skin. However, the pitch-black wings that sprouted from its back was nothing compared to it's ghastly head. The head was round with a rather small mouth for a dragon. Not only that, the demon's head had curved horns on either side, creating a whole demonic appearance aside from the colors it sported. It stood at at least seven feet in height, it's massive wingspan spreading even wider.

"But how do we do that? It's strength is at least an Early-8th-tier." Alicia said as Karin Yuchester, the principal of Nouva High, suddenly slammed into the demon's chest. Black wings of her own grew from her back, ripping through her white sweater. Karin Yuchester landed in front of the two before moving strands of her purple hair out of the way of her eyes.

"You two, get inside and heal up. I'll deal with this beast."


Alicia helped Gale to the gymnasium. He was leaning on her as the pain his scorched arm was giving off was draining his strength and lowering his perseverance.

"Will she be alright? Principal Yuchester, I mean." Alicia asked as she handed Gale off to the nurses.

"You don't know? The principal's strength is supposed to be on par with 'The Four'." Gale replied before the nurses hurried him off.


"How you've fallen, Karin. you're now assisting these pathetic humans." The draconic demon launched itself into the air, it's wings flapping as it did so.

"I'd rather help them than kill children. That is not the way any organism should operate." Karin calmly replied as black veins suddenly grew around her cheeks.

"You, Karin, are hereby denounced as a demon. You know full well what happens to demons that are denounced, do you not?" The draconic demon threatened as a small spark of flames suddenly left its mouth only to disappear shortly after. Karin smiled at this.

"Death by scorching touch." She replied as the draconic demon suddenly roared, raising it's head to face the sky. Flames poured from it's mouth and collected in a sphere above the beast.

"Hmmm. Not bad, Dragos. I'm guessing you're at least a Mid-Eighth-tier demon now." Karin said as she watched Dragos, the draconic demon, pour even more power into the sphere of flames above him.

"It's too bad you won't get any stronger." Karin said as a sphere of blue energy appeared on her palm, steadily growing in size.

Then, Karin felt something that caused her to freeze in fear.


Gale's arm was being healed by Naomi, who was coincidentally free when he arrived at the gymnasium.  Her green energy was extending from her palms, sprouting almost, and gently restoring his burnt arm.

"Has King shown up yet?" Naomi asked. Gale shook his head.

"No sign of him." Gale replied as he winced in pain. Despite the healing going on, his burn wounds were still causing immense pain. Suddenly, the entire room stilled. Before, nurses and patients were darting back and forth. Now, however, everyone froze as if their lives depended on it. A bloodlust suddenly filled the room, however Gale's instinct were screaming at him to run towards the front doors and confront the bloodlust/

"What is this... " Gale began. The suffocating pressure he was feeling, the bloodlust so powerful it became almost like a loud siren wailing in everyone's ears. It could only mean another Eighth-tier demon had arrived.

He quickly glanced at Naomi who had finished healing his arm. The two nodded to each other before running out of the Gymnasium, grabbing Alicia, and running out the front doors of the school.

The three suddenly stopped in their tracks. Dragos, the draconic demon, had deactivated his attack and was now on the ground in front of them. His back was to them as something else had triggered his instincts as well.

Karin Yuchester, principal of Nouva High, stood behind Dragon as well. She was frozen with fear, as was Dragos.

And then Gale spotted the source of the bloodlust. Another demon hadn't arrived.

King was the one giving off the immense bloodlust as he approached the school.

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