Chapter 16 : The Crimson Curse

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Author's Note : STOP. READ THIS FIRST. In this chapter, something is revealed about King, however it's not as prominent as I make it. First to comment the correct revelation before next Thursday (March 1st, 2018) will be mentioned in my next chapter!


Demon Prince Abari merely used his fingers to flick King away, sending him crashing into the debris that was once Nouva City. Each time he was knocked down, King would come back flying at Abarai, only to be launched back into the debris.

"Quite persistent, aren't you?" Abarai joked as he finally grabbed hold of one of King's fists instead of flicking him away like a fly. Then, in one swift motion, Abari leaned forward and began whispering in his ear.

"Although your current strength is enough to subdue a Mid Eighth Tier demon, it is nothing against me. A shame, really. You could have been a formidable rival given time. Don't fret, I'll kill your friends before I kill you." Abarai finished as he suddenly slammed King into the ground in front of him, then quickly following up with a violet blast of energy from his palm. The energy exploded on King, covering him in a dust cloud. Abarai and Dragos both appeared just outside of the dust, near the front doors of Nouva High.

"Dragos, deal with the onlookers." Abari ordered.

"I will, my liege." Dragos said as he turned back towards the four humans behind him. Karin Yuchester moved her arm in front of the other three behind her.

"I will deal with him. You three prepare to help King." She said as her demonic wings from before returned to her back.


King shoved several large pieces of debris off of him before spitting the blood from his mouth. He was breathing hard, taking in huge gasps of air as he suddenly noticed the blood practically pouring from several of his wounds the demon had inflicted with just one blast of energy. His left leg was numb and bleeding from a cut in the thigh, his right arm was basically a mass of skin and flesh. The dust cloud the Demon Prince had created hid King from view, giving him some much needed breathing space.

In seconds, once King had somehow regained his composure and steadied his breathing, the red aura flowed around him once again. King glanced back to his right arm the skin regenerating and the flesh fixing itself. Soon, all of his wounds were completely healed. However, despite his wounds being healed, he knew that he would not be able to heal once more. It took far too much of his strength and energy to do so. After all, he did copy it from Krael's ability.

Suddenly, as the dust cloud was beginning to lift, the sounds of Naomi and Alicia screaming in pain came to his ears. Then, as if the dust cloud was following his will, the cloud disappeared.

Naomi's mid-section was being crushed underneath Abarai's foot. Alicia's wrist was being squeezed by the Demon Prince as he held her off the ground, using her arm as a hold.

"Bastard." Gale breathed under his breath. He climbed out of the large hole in the school's walls he had been launched into, holding his ribs. It looked like he had been kicked into the school, then the two girls had tried covering for him only to be subdued easily.

As King watched on, he found himself oddly frozen. Despite his own protests, his body refused to move forward, to save the first few people who had actually stayed by his side when the fights had gotten unbearable. Granted it was only one fight, but one was enough to make him trust the three.

And yet his body was frozen. The only thing that went through his mind was the images from some time ago, each of them lying dead with empty eyes staring up at him.

Of course no one knew his true secret. No one could ever know, not unless it meant the difference between rewriting history or reliving the hellish nightmare he had gone through.

"I'm going to lose them... again!?" King thought to himself as the Demon Prince twisted his foot on Naomi and tightened his grip on Alicia. The two girls both cried out in pain as he did so.

"No... Not again. I won't let them die again." King thought to himself as he finally stood up from the rubble, the red aura around him appearing to widen in size. The ground suddenly began shaking as King's eyes turned red once again.

"CRIMSON CURSE..... TIMES TEN!!!!!" King shouted as the ground shook even more violently. The red aura suddenly shot into the sky, piercing through the clouds.


King's Profile !

Ability : Crimson Curse : The secret ability passed down to each Crimson King. Multiplies His Power Based On Number Of Choice. Using Crimson Curse Lv 1 Merely Activates King's True Strength, then begins stacking on top of that. Also allows him to use any ability he comes into contact with, but only one can be used at a time and only after they have died in his presence. However, once Crimson Curse is activated, the surrounding area offers their energy unwillingly to the Crimson King, helping to increase his power. This includes other humans and can be life-threatening. If used passed CC x 2, the Crimson King's life becomes threatened as his human body cannot contain the vast power-up for long. In less-severe cases, the life span is shortened.


The Demon Prince suddenly turned around and blocked King's lighting-quick fist, an enormous shockwave quickly spreading from the two.

"What!? This power.... he's at least entered the Ninth-Tier in terms of strength! Impossible!" Abari thought to himself before having to block King's barrage of punches and kicks. A quick right punch, followed by an even faster uppercut sent the demon prince flying into the sky.

"Crimson... Echo!!!" King shouted as red energy suddenly wrapped itself around King's fist. He then punched the air in front of him, firing a shock of the energy at the flying demon prince.


Naomi was gasping for air before, but the attack King had just used had taken her breath away.

"That's that attack he used to break the mountain in 'The Killing Canyon'."


King launched himself up into the air, his left arm glowing with red energy just like King's previous attack, however this time his entire arm was glowing.

"Crimson Gauntlet!!!" King shouted as he fired his left fist into the gut of the Demon Prince. King's fist, however, went straight through the Abarai and created a hole in his gut. 

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