Chapter 12 : The Past

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Naomi walked through the front gates of "The Killing Canyon". Last time she was there was with King and no one stopped the two. However, this time, a rough, dark skinned man stopped her in her tracks.

"Woah there, missy. Is there something we can help you with?" He asked. Naomi. He hadn't been at the gate before, when King had asked her here. She noticed that he was relatively handsome, with brown eyes and black hair. He also wore a white muscle-shirt with ripped blue jeans.

"I'm just here to see a friend." She replied without a hint of nervousness. In reality, she was very nervous. Why was she stopped? Did she look suspicious? Did they think she had a weapon? Was she about to be attacked for bringing a weapon here?

"I see... does your friend have a name?" The man continued.

"His name's... King." Naomi replied.

"Well I'll be damned. King's actually got a friend from school." The mane replied. He then held his hand out, expecting a handshake. Naomi gently grabbed his hand and started a slow handshake in response.

"The name's Leroy Overkill. 'Course, Overkill ain't my actual last name. Jus' a nickname I got back in my school days." Leroy said, smiling at her.

"That's... wonderful. Would you mind taking me to see King? I am still unsure of where to go..." Naomi asked, giving a shy smile.

"Oh, I wouldn't bother 'im. Ever since he came back from-" Leroy suddenly turned to another of the males that stood near the gate.

"Oi, George! Did King ever say where he went?" Leroy shouted. A male Naomi guessed to be George waved his hand in the air in a motion that said "No". George was a white male with red-orange hair and a ripped red shirt with plain jeans. George was also reading a book, hence the hand motion.

"No, he didn't." George replied. Leroy turned back towards her.

"Well, we don't know where he went but we all know not to bother him. He's punching the mountain."

"Punching the mountain!?" Naomi exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's surprising, ain' it? I remember when he showed up several years ago, weak as all." Leroy said.

"Weak?" Naomi said, turning to face him. "How so?"

"Well, when he first came by some years ago..."


Leroy suddenly noticed a child, around the age of 13, running towards the gate. He had a large bruise on his cheek and his nose was bleeding. Behind him, a group of kids were angrily chasing him.

"Leroy, go and help the kid." George Kraden said from behind him. Leroy had already been standing up when George had said that.

"Already on it." Leroy replied as he walked in the direction of the children. The child being chased saw him and quickly ran behind his leg.


After the group of kids had run away from Leroy, Leroy turned his attention to the child being chased. Unbeknownst to Leroy, the child had been holding a small and injured cat.

"Hey there, buddy. What's up with the cat? Wanna take 'I'm to the hospital?" Leroy said as he bent down to meet with the child's height. The child ignored him, continuing to check after the cat.

"Hey, I'm trying to help you."

"That's what they said too. Then they started throwing rocks at me." The child responded almost immediately.

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