Chapter 11 : The First Encounter

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Kendrick smirked.

"Finally at full power, eh? I'm surprised though: How on Earth did your limbs regenerate? That's similar to Krael's power." Kendrick asked while the two stood in mid-air. King only replied with an angry glare.

"Alright then, let's continue." Kendrick replied, charging another blast of energy in his left palm.

"One more question: What about those three down there? Aren't you afraid you'll kill them by using your Ability?" Kendrick asked before another blast of blue energy charged in his right hand. King pause, allowing a moment of hesitation to pass. Kendrick suddenly fired the two blasts at King. Both blasts disappeared as they collided with King's aura.

"Wha-?" Kendrick exclaimed before King suddenly appeared above him and, using his elbow, quickly landed a hit to Kendrick's head that launched him towards the Earth.


"How-.... How did...." Naomi gasped as King and Kendrick fought furiously above them, the battling pair moving further from them with each strike. Alicia turned to her with an intrigued expression.

"Naomi?" She breathed.

"How did King heal himself?"


Kendrick kept his distance from King, firing three quick blasts of energy. Just like the blasts before, King's aura dissipated the blasts before they could make contact. Kendrick growled at this. He then shoved his hands in the air and held them there, a blue light emanating from his hands.

"Take this!" Kendrick shouted, arcing his palms down until they faced King. He then unleashed a beam of energy from his palms, shouting as he did so.

"Blue Tyrant Bursting Wave!" Kendrick shouted again as the beam quickly grew in size. King suddenly rose his palm in response to the attack, stopping the beam of energy as if it were a mere rock being thrown at him. The beam of energy was suddenly reduced to nothing, disappearing just like the blasts from before.

"How.... how did..." Kendrick replied before King's red aura directly above him took his attention. His eyes snapped upwards as King's elbow slammed downwards, sending him to the ground again. This time, however, Kendrick did not climb out of the crater created on impact. King landed next to Naomi, coughing as he did so. The brunette was next to him, the green energy glowing from her palms almost instantly. He held his hand up in protest only to pull it back as he began coughing once again.

"King, I'm going to heal you." Naomi declared before a blood-curdling roar was heard. King quickly glanced back at the crater he'd launched Kendrick into as a giant black hand grabbed the end of the crater. Another roar was heard before a large, demonic beast climbed out of the pit.

"A... Demon!?" Alicia breathed as the Minotaur-like demon roared again, sending a shockwave.
"When did it... get into the crater!?" Gale exclaimed as he grabbed his broadsword with a shaky hand.

"It's..." King began as he saw the blue energy coursing around the beast.

"It's Kendrick. He's transformed." King finished as the Demon fired a beam of blue energy at the group. King was going to intercept when he suddenly dropped to one knee. Naomi quickly bent down to help him, but the beam would reach her before that. She knew that the beam was going to kill her. Her instincts shouted that throughout her body, and yet she continued leaning downward. In an instant, the beam was directly in front of the group, about to make impact and end their lives. As her arm was shooting out to grab King, someone landed in front of the group and intercepted the blast. An explosion occurred, covering the four in a haze of oddly white smoke. A bright red aura suddenly bursted through the smoke, dispelling the white haze.

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